Dance With Me Tonight

826 28 4

Addie - 8
Clara - 2
Sophie - 10
Anya - Nearly 1

"Ma, get ress?" Clara asked from her spot on her mother's hip.

"That's right buttercup, we're going to get you and your sister a dress to wear to the show." Peta said as she carried her littlest daughter into the shopping center.

"I help you?" She asked sweetly.

"Of course you can help baby. You can help me pick Addie's dress too, okay?" Peta asked watching Clara's eyes light up at picking out a dress for her older sister who was at school that day so she was missing the shopping trip.

"We go on plane?" Clara asked.

"Yup, we're going to go on a plane and we're going to go to the city so we can see Baba & Deda and then Momma and Papa are going to dance in a show." Peta explained to Clara. After about 10 years, Dance With Me decided to do a Sway reunion show. Everyone was super excited with what seemed like Addie being the most excited to see her parents really dance. Clara on the other hand was a little iffy but she also didn't completely understand what was going on either.

"Okay, Papa hold me?" Clara asked making Peta smile. Clara was full force a daddy's girl and Peta loved it.

"Oh I'm sure Papa will hold you as much as you want buttercup." Peta said pressing a kiss to her head.

"Okay, Momma. Ohhhh.....pretty dress!" Clara said pointing to a dress on the rack that immediately caught her attention. It was sequined on top with a tulle flowing skirt and tiny lace cap sleeves. Peta knew right away that it would look adorable on Clara.

"That is definitely a pretty dress. Do you like it?"

"Yes yes. I try on?" Clara asked making Peta laugh. They had only started really taking Clara with them as far as clothes shopping but it seemed like the shopping gene continued on in the family. She already knew that trying something on was one step closer to getting a new clothing item.

"We can try it on baby. Let's make sure there's no other ones you like." Peta said getting Clara situated in the cart. Clara nodded but smiled big when Peta found her size and put the dress in the cart. They walked through her section and found a few more but none that excited Clara as much as the first one. So they went back to the dressing room to try them on. Peta did the other few first saving Clara's favorite for last. Finally it was time for that one. THe moment Peta slipped it on Clara, you could tell that that was that. This was her dress.

"Momma, momma, look!" Clara said spinning to show Peta the skirt and everything else. She bounced around before Peta even had a chance to zip her in.

"I see baby, you look so pretty. Do you love it?"

"Yes yes peas be my dress?!" Clara said spinning in the mirror again.

"This can be your dress buttercup." Peta said laughing at her excitement.

"Tank you! Tank you!" Clara said flinging her arms around Peta's legs squeezing her tight.

"You're welcome Clara. Now let's get you dressed and we can go find Addie a dress and then maybe we'll get you guys new outfits for the plane." Peta said nearly losing it as Clara's eyes lit up at more shopping. For being two she sure knew what she liked.

They headed out to the store again and narrowed the choices for Addie's down to a few. There was one with a flower design on top that had a lace tulle layered ruffle skirt on the bottom and then a pale pink one that had a crisscross gold design on the chest and a loose chiffon skirt.

"Which one for Addie?" Peta held the dresses up for Clara to choose.

"Tha one momma. It like mine." Clara said choosing the light pink one. It was sort like Clara's with the flowing skirt and cap sleeves however Addie's was much lighter. They would still look very good next to each other.

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