Clara Alexandra Chmerkovskiy

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Addie - Age - 6 years
Peta - Pregnancy - 35 weeks

The week after Addie's birthday seemed to pass in a blur. The families were there and spending time all together as well as Peta was nesting basically so she was constantly finding new things that she wanted to do with Clara's room and all the other things she wanted to have ready. Plus she was trying to squeeze in as much time with Addie as she could as well as Maks. They had a couple things planned in the next few weeks so that Addie got a few more special only child moments in before everyone's lives changed.

Peta woke up the one night to a cramping in her belly. She had been having Braxton Hicks contractions pretty regularly these days and figured that's what it was. They didn't wake her up that often but she had experienced some pretty strong ones so it didn't scare her too much. She laid there and waited for it to pass and then decided she might as well go to the bathroom while she was awake. She noticed the clock and saw it was 3 am.

"Miss Clara, let's hope you sleep a little better once you're here buttercup. Momma does like sleeps." Peta murmured to her belly. She finally climbed back in bed and curled up snuggling back into Maks as his arm moved around her waist. She laid there for awhile trying to fall back to sleep but had no luck. She suddenly felt another cramp but this one seemed to wrap around and it took her breath away.

"Fuck." She muttered as it eventually passed. She took a few breaths and closed her eyes trying to think. They have 5 weeks left before she was at her due date and 3 before the scheduled C-section. It was too early for this to be real labor. She looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly 3:30. She figured she was making a bigger deal of this and tried to go back to sleep. She still had no luck and was only met with another pain radiating around her belly and wrapping to the back. This one brought tears to her eyes and she knew she needed to wake up Maks.

"Maks.....Maks.....Maks." She said as she got slightly louder each time and pulled on his arm.

"Huh, pretty girl?" He mumbled trying to move closer.

"I think I'm having contractions." She said as she tried to grip his hand tight as the realization began to set in.

"What? It's not time." Maks said sitting up and seeing the scared look on her face.

"I know, but it's happened three times, all the same way." She said looking at him.


"Mmhmm." She said as she felt another one coming and tightened her whole body as the contraction passed through her.

"Breath pretty girl, breath." Maks whispered as ran his hand up and down her back as he waited for it to pass. Once it did he went to move around to her side of the bed and let go of her hand.

"No, where are you going?" She said panicking slightly.

"Right here." He said as he knelt in front of her while he tried to figure out what they needed to do. He stroked her hair softly trying to calm her some. Her hand found his grip again as she looked at him.

"That one came sooner." She said as she bit her lip.

"I think we should go to the hospital. Just to be sure." He said softly.

"Maks...." She said as tears filled her eyes.

"I know, It's going to be okay. Let me call Shar." He said as he reached for his phone. She nodded and gripped onto him as she listened to his call with her best friend. He hung up pretty quickly. "She'll be over in fifteen."

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