You Got A Friend In Me

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Addie - Age - 6 Years
Clara - Age - Newborn

"Aunt Sharna, can we go now please?" Addie said as they finished up lunch. She had been waiting on pins and needles for the past two hours since they had gotten off the phone with Maks and Peta.

"As soon as we clean up lunch. Then we can head out." Sharna said laughing as Addie hopped out of her seat and took her plates to the dishwasher. She helped clean up and then went to go gather what she was taking.

"You want your hair done miss?" Sharna asked as she came into Addie's room to check on her and make sure she had somethings to entertain her at the hospital for the day.

"Can you braid it like Momma?"

"Sure, which kind of braid?" Sharna asked as she helped Addie settle on the counter so she could reach her hair.

"Fishtail on the side, please?"

"You got it sugar. You excited to go meet your sister?" Sharna said as she pressed a kiss to her niece's head before starting the braid.

"Yeah, and to see Momma and Papa. Can I take Nosey & Blankie with me? Please." She said as she began to fiddle with her hands getting nervous.

"Yeah, you can take them but we need to keep them in your backpack til we get there, okay? We don't want them to get lost."

"Okay, I will. We have to get Clara's blankie too." Addie reminded her.

"That we do sugar. We need to find you maybe a coloring book and something else to play with in case you get bored, okay?" 

"Okay. Thank you for my braid!" Addie said as Sharna finished. They headed to gather the rest of the stuff they needed to take with them and then headed out. Sharna stopped at a florist and they picked out a bouquet of flowers for Peta and a balloon and a stuffed animal for Clara.


"Are they on their way yet?" Peta asked Maks as she burped Clara who just finished her bottle and was drifting off to sleep on her mother.

"Shar said they were about 10 minutes away a little bit ago. So they should be here soon." Maks said leaning down to kiss Peta's head.

"I'm ready to see my sweet pea." Peta said shrugging. She had missed her little girl since they left her earlier.

"I miss her too. And I'm excited for her to meet this little one." Maks said as he ran his fingers across Clara's head softly.

"Me too. I just hope she does okay with it." Peta said softly.

"I think she will. She may be a little bit outta sorts with everything that went on today but I think once it settles, she's going to be the best big sister ever." Maks said as his phone went off. He looked down and saw it was Sharna.

"They here?" Peta asked anxiously.

"Yup. You okay while I go meet them?" He asked.

"Yup, go get our girl." Peta said kissing him and sending him off. He texted Sharna and said he'd be down for them as he waited for the elevator. He took it down to the lobby and was met by an excited 6 year old as he got off.

"Papa!" Addie said as she jumped at her father.

"Addie girl!" Maks said hugging her tightly.

"I missed you!" She said as she held tight to his neck.

"I missed you too sweetheart. Did you have a good time with Aunt Sharna?"

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