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Addie - Age - 6 years
Clara - Age - 3 weeks

"Papa, I have a question." Addie said quietly as Maks tucked her into bed that night. They had been home as a family of 4 for nearly 3 weeks now and things were finally settling down. Clara was growing and gaining weight as needed, Addie was adjusting and Maks and Peta were sorting out the new routine and flow of having 2 children.

"What's up Addie girl?" Maks said once he got her tucked in and laid down next to her. She wiggled over and snuggled into Maks. She was doing much better sleeping and with her fears but after some discussion Maks and Peta decided that having some quiet time with Addie alone was a good idea so she would have some time to talk when needed. Moments like these, so they'd read to her, tuck her in, and then lay with her for 5-10 minutes and just talk before saying goodnight. It seemed to be helping tenfold for all of them across the board.

"It's almost fireworks day."

"Right. It's the 4th of July in 2 days."

"You and momma said we could go to the parade and the beach and the carnival....." Addie murmured softly.

"Ehhhh, we did say that." Maks said as he racked his brain. He wasn't sure how Peta was going to feel about this one with Clara still being so tiny.

"Do we have to stay home now? Cause we were all supposed to go, aunt Kelly and Uncle Val and Sophie and Aunt Sharna and Grace and everyone Papa." She said getting worked up. She had been excited about this and now she was afraid she wasn't going to get to do it.

"Whoa sweetheart. It's okay. Let me talk to Momma tonight and see what she thinks. The only problem is is Clara is still really tiny. And so that makes it hard to take her to places like that."

"Oh." She said softly as she pressed into Maks's chest.

"Hold on baby. Let me talk to Momma. I didn't say we couldn't go at all, we may just have to change somethings. We'll figure something out."

"Ok, I was just excited." She said looking at Maks with wide eyes. "But I don't want anything to happen to Clara."

"No, no, I know baby. And if it would be dangerous for Clara it would be one of those things that we'd tell you we have to skip but let me talk to Momma first. Everything is outside, so we may be able to still do it. But we'll talk about it okay? Don't be sad baby." He said settling her some.

"Ok, papa. Can you stay til I'm sleeping tonight please?" She said as she yawned.

"As long as you close your eyes baby."

"I will, night papa. I love you." She said as she leaned up and kissed his cheek before snuggling into him.

"Night Addie girl. I love you too. Sweet dreams." He said pressing a kiss to her head and cuddling her in. It didn't take long before she drifted off. He laid there for a bit longer knowing that they were eventually going to get to a point that she didn't want this anymore so he'd enjoy it while he could. He eventually untangled himself from her before tucking her blankets around her better and making sure she still had Nosey and Blankie before heading to find Peta & Clara.

"Hey you, that took a little longer than usual." Peta said when she saw her husband come into the living room. Clara was laying on her knees looking around and enjoying the sights and sounds in the room as she held onto her mother's fingers.

"Yeah, we need to talk about something. Nothing bad, just Addie reminded me of something we promised her and we need to make a decision."

"Umm, okay. This one should be getting hungry here soon. If you wanna change her, I'll go get her bottle and we can talk." Peta said slightly nervous.

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