Bumps, Bunnies, & Ice Packs

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Addie - Age - 2 years old

"So you want me to take Addie out for an hour so you can do your plans for the month?" Maks asked Peta.

"If you're okay with that. I have an idea of what I'm doing so it shouldn't take too long. But just if you keep her occupied."

'I can handle that. I'll take her out in the yard and we can play."

"Alright. Thanks handsome."

"Welcome pretty girl. Hey Addie girl! You wanna go play outside with Papa for a bit?" He said into the living room where Addie was playing with her blocks while he and Peta cleaned up lunch. He loved the open floor plan of their house. It gave them the space to let Addie play but also them to be able to keep up with things without having to move from room to room.

"Play wings?" She said as her eyes lit up. She abandoned her blocks and came over to Maks with her arms stretched up for him to scoop her up.

"We can play swings sweetheart." Maks said kissing her cheeks as she giggled.

"Momma play wings too?" Addie asked looking at Peta.

"No well not yet baby, Momma needs to do some work so we're going have some Papa and Addie time."

"But wanna have Momma time too." Addie pouted slightly. Ever since she had hit her twos she had wanted to have both her parents around all the time. And it didn't help that Peta had just started back at the studio a few months ago. It had been a horribly hard decision for Peta but one that they both felt she needed to do. She was only doing 2 hours, 3 days a week for now and Addie was staying with Kelly but it was still a hard adjustment.

"How about you have some time with Papa baby and then after I get finished I'll come out and play with you guys. Maybe we can go to the park and play on the big slides okay?"

"I guess so." She said as she rested on Maks's shoulder.

"Hey, we're going to have lots of fun, okay Addie girl?" Maks said as he tried to cheer her up especially when he saw the expression on Peta's face. "I'll bet if we ask Momma she'll do her work from the swing and watch us."

"Will you peas?" Addie asked Peta sweetly.

"Of course sweet pea. Let me go get my stuff and I'll go get settled on the swing."

"Wing papa wing!" Addie said finally returning to her excited herself.

"Let's go baby." Maks said as he took her out into the backyard to play. For her second birthday they had gotten her a play-set with some swings, a climbing station, and a slide. She had been enthralled with the ones at the park so they figured she'd love this. And boy did she ever, when it was nice out she wanted to spend as much time as possible out in the backyard. The only current problem was that she couldn't quite pump yet so she still needed some help with that.

Peta had settled on the swing with her lesson plans for the month. Not all the teachers created them quite as detailed as she did but she opted to go with teaching the younger classes first and sometimes she needed to stay home with Addie if she got sick so she wanted to make sure whoever filled in for her had as many details as possible. So far it had been working out well with her being back. She did feel guilty for being away from Addie especially with her being so clingy lately but she was loving being back in her element.

She was just finishing up her last day for the next month when she heard Addie's screams suddenly. She looked up in alarm and saw Maks picking her up off the ground from beside the swing set. She stood up immediately as he turned and began carrying her toward the house with a scared expression on his face.

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