Birthday Surprises

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This one is for 123Janae123 Thank you for all your support and for reading, reviewing and following through all my stories. It's much appreciated! It's not exactly what you had requested but I hope you enjoy!

Addie - Age - 1 Month

They survived the first month. It had been a month of craziness and learning but this past week things finally started to click into place. The panic attacks, screaming baby tantrums, anxieties, and sleepless days and nights all seemed to get less. But now as Maks sat on the swing with his wife tucked into his side fast asleep and his daughter laying on his chest, he wouldn't have traded any of that hecticness for the world. They were happy and they were a family and that's all that mattered. Maks phone buzzed then and he was pulled away from his thoughts.

'So do you have anything planned for P's birthday?' Maks read the text from Sharna.

'Crap, no. I mean I remembered but I just with Addie we haven't had much free time. I'm awful. I should have planned something for her especially this time. It's her first one as a mom.'

'Whoa relax man, I was asking cause I thought life would be overwhelming right now. How about we just plan a little party for her? Paul and I can take care of everything and we'll just set up in your backyard and either surprise her or you can tell her. Just our little group, nothing crazy but just something for her.'

'That would be the best thing ever, are you sure you don't mind helping?'

'Not at all man, I swear. I'm glad to help out. So your house, her birthday, in the evening, around 6? We'll do dinner and cake and just some hang out time. Sound good?'

'Sounds perfect. Thanks so much Shar. I owe you one.'

'I'll hold you to that. I'll see you in a few days. Let me know if we're surprising her or not? K?'

'Let's do it as a surprise. Thanks again, let me know if you need help with anything.'

'Sounds good. Kiss that baby for me.'

'Will do.'


The next few days passed in a their usual blur of waking, feeding, playing, changing, napping and a repeating whirlwind of each thing. So the morning of Peta's birthday, Maks woke up extra early and snuck Addie out of her bassinet, beating her usual morning cries to be changed and fed. He pulled the blanket up tighter over Peta and headed out with Addie. He changed her quickly before taking her downstairs to fed her. They hung out for a bit before he headed upstairs to get her ready for the day.

"So Addie girl, it's Mommy's birthday today. You're going to go to your first party. What outfit do you think you want to wear? Maybe we should have a back up outfit just incase we have an accident." She gurgled at him in response and he kissed her cheek. He found a deep pink dress that was simple with beaded flowers along the neckline. He figured that would work for now. He also laid out a second dress that had a denim top with a lacy deep purple bottom. He dressed her talking to her all the while. That's when he heard Peta in their bathroom.

"Alrighty baby, Momma's awake. Let's go surprise her." Maks said scooping her up. He turned around only to find Peta standing in the doorway.

"There's my two favorite people. Oh look at you sweet pea, look how pretty you look. Mommy needs some morning cuddles."

"Happy birthday pretty girl." Maks said walking Addie over to her. He passed her over before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Thank you handsome, and for letting me sleep." She said as she started loving up Miss Addie who snuggled into her mother.

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