Tale As Old As Time

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"Momma, Momma is it time yet?" Addie asked for at least the 50th time since they had finished their princess experience. Peta couldn't blame her but she was sure as hell thankful that this time she could give the best answer.

"Yes, it's time." Peta laughed hard when her daughter stopped dead between her and Maks and just looked at them.

"For reals?" She asked, considering she had heard no all day, she was shocked.

"Yes Addie girl. It's time." Maks confirmed.

"Sophie! SOPHIE! IT'S TIME! WE GET TO BE IN THE PARADE NOW!" She shrieked to her cousin who was walking ahead with her parents. They had had a busy day after the excitement in the princess castle. It had been a struggled but Peta convinced Addie to close her eyes for a bit before they went to meet the rest of the princesses that day. She conceded but only if she could stay cuddled up with her Uncle Val. Val wasn't complaining, he loved his niece so he happily snuggled her up and let her take her nap on him. While she napped Val and Kelly took Sophie to go do some things Addie wasn't big enough to do yet while they sent Peta and Maks to go enjoy themselves. Then they all met back up to meet everyone else they had planned for the day.

"Really?" Sophie said nearly tripping as she turned around to look at her cousin. Val caught her as he laughed.

"Momma and Papa said yes!" Addie said as she let go of her parent's hands and tackled Sophie. The parents laughed at the children's excitement.

"Okay you two, let's get over to the tunnel so they can get you guys ready for the parade." Peta said after they had given the two had hugged and bounced for a bit. They headed over to the tunnel beside the castle where they had been instructed to be for the parade. They found the staff member they had been directed to locate.

"Hi, we were told to be here because the girls were chosen to ride on the floats during the parade." Maks explained.

"And this would be Princess Addie & Princess Sophie right?" The young man said.

"Yes." Both girls uttered in shock.

"Well, I'm going to be Princess Addie's escort for the evening. My name is Stephen. And I'm going to take you guys to meet Princess Sophie's escort, Sir Brayden."

"So we're going to be split up?" Kelly asked.

"Just for the duration of getting ready and the parade. Since the girls will be on different floats, they'll get ready in the area for each float. Then they'll be riding next to their princess or fairy in Sophie's case while you guys will have a place to sit on the float where you can see the girls but also be hidden. Brayden and I will also be on the floats, dressed as characters and we'll be keeping an extra eye in the girls as well. Also the girls will be belted to a safety harness for the duration of the parade just like the others on the float. Then once each float gets back, we'll unstrap the girls and then wait for all the princesses to get back. Once they are all back the girls will get a group picture with everyone. Everyone gets off at the same place and then the floats go into their storage places so you'll all meet back up together again in the tunnel."

"Alright. Just checking." Kelly said laughing once she realized they all had it figured out and that her question was probably for nothing.

"No I completely understand. And I know the girls are excited about this so they'll want to be together at the end of everything. Now follow me, I'm going to take you three to Sir Brayden and then get Princess Addie here to where she needs to be." He said as he led them down the tunnel.

"Okay, this is where you'll be Princess Sophie." Stephen said as they came to a door with a Tinkerbell on it. He knocked and out came another young man.

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