Sway - Part 1

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Peta, Maks, Kelly, Val, and Sophie were all at LAX getting through security and everything. They were heading to New York City a few days early for the Sway show. They had the four days of shows over the weekend, with practice the whole week before. They two families had decided to go a few days ahead of the practices, so Peta and everyone else would have time to catch up on their sleep and enjoy the city for a few days before being thrown into the craziness. They also agreed to fly over together so that Sophie would have more entertainment between everyone. They had once taken a red eye with her in hopes of her sleeping but it resulted in just about everyone on the plane getting no sleep because she was so cranky. From then out they only took her on regular flights and just kept a bag of tricks with them to keep her entertained. It seemed to take forever but finally they were all 5 through security and made it to their gate with 20 minutes to spare til they had to board.

"You two sure you don't mind sitting with her on the flight? That is if she picks you." Val asked Maks and Peta with a wink. They decided that they'd start the flight with Sophie picking who she wanted to start with and then rotate if they needed through the ride. Val wanted to make sure the two really wanted to deal with that.

"I promise man, we don't mind, right pretty girl?" Maks said as he looked down at his wife who was resting next to him.

"Nope, not at all, maybe she'll actually nap with me." Peta said yawning with a grin. She was in her 11th week now and finally getting closer to the end of the first trimester. She was praying she wouldn't fall in the category of women who's morning sickness lasted through the whole pregnancy. Her exhaustion seemed to be getting better as long as she napped in the middle of the day. Both her and Maks were slightly nervous about the upcoming week and how much it would take out of her but she refused to give up. She wanted to be able to do this last show with Maks before their lives would change immensely. There was nothing in her that wanted to change what was going on but she also wanted to savor these moments between the two of them before they turned into a family of three.

"Alrighty then, hey there's my little ladybug." Val said as Kelly and Sophie came up to the two of them. He scooped her up into his arms and planted kisses along her cheeks as she giggled.

"Daddy!!! Look at what Mommy got me." She said excitedly. Kelly had taken her to the bathroom and to get a snack or two for the flight.

"What did you get Bug?" Val asked as he settled her on her hip.

"These, and these, and then we found a book! And mommy said that if I promised to do good on the plane to see everyone and for the dance show that she could get it for me." She said as she showed off her snacks and held her new book to her chest excitedly.

"So you told mommy you were going to be good then?"

"Yup! I really wanted the book daddy, it has lots of stories in it!" She said excitedly. Val smiled at her excitement over the book.

"Well I'm glad then, maybe you can read it on the plane then. We have a question to ask you though?" He said as she looked at him.

"What? What?" She said excitedly.

"Who do you want to start sitting with on the plane? We can trade but who do you want to start with? Me and Mommy or Aunt Peta and Uncle Maks?" Val asked smiling as he watched Sophie's eyes light up as she looked around at all the adults.

"I sit with Aunt Eta on the plane?" She said in complete shock that they were letting her choose.

"What about me little one?" Maks teased his niece.

"I sit with you too?" Sophie said reaching for her uncle.

"You can sit with us as long as you promise to be good. We might have to help Aunt Peta take a nap at some point. Do you think you can help me with that?"

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