Tutus or Ties

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Finally it was the morning of their 19 week appointment. Peta woke up a ball of nerves and rolled over to find her husband but was met with an empty bed. She sat up and looked around for him. His phone was still there but he wasn't in the bathroom either. She sighed and got up to go to the bathroom herself where she did her business before brushing her teeth & washing her face. She came back out and he was still no where to be found so she flopped down on the bed, reaching for her phone when he entered the room carrying a tray.

"You're awake. I wanted to surprise you." He said as he set the breakfast tray down on the bed.

"My nerves woke me up. Sorry babe." She said as she gave him a sheepish grin.

"I'm sorry. And me missing probably didn't help either."

"Ehhh." She dropped her head down to look at the floor.

"I should have thought about that pretty girl." He sat next to her as he pulled her into him. She wrapped her arms around him and got as close to him as she could. Her baby bump was starting to make that a bit of an issue. They sat there for a few minutes with her breathing him in and letting him settle her some.

"I'm sorry I'm such a mess all the time." She said as she let go of him a little. He didn't let her go far though.

"Babe, you're not a mess. It's a big day. I'm nervous too. Baby days make me nervous too. It's allowed."

"Yeah but.." She said letting her eyes drop again.

"No buts beautiful, look at me." He said softly waiting for her to look up. "Today is a huge appointment, not only do we find out what Baby is, we also make sure he or she is growing and everything is going well. Understandably you're more nervous than usual. I am too. But we're going to go and find out what Baby is and then find out that he/she is growing healthy."

"How do you know that?"

"Because I wanna stay positive. And even if there is something, that doesn't mean we'll love Baby any less. We'll figure out whatever they throw at us, pretty girl, because it's us and we'll get through it together."

"You're right." She said as she leaned into him for another moment before moving back. "Now what did you make us?"

"Waffles with fruit and eggs with cheese. And a side of your favorite tea."

"You're my favorite!" She said as she excitedly shifted so she could get to the tray. He scooped her and slid her backwards on the bed before bringing the tray up to her. He settled beside her as she ate. When she finished, he put the tray on the floor and let her snuggle back into him. He rested his hand on her bump as they sat there.

"Baby's not up yet?" He said as he waited to feel a kick or two.

"Slowly, there's just a little movement in there. It'll start up stronger soon. Baby likes Daddy's cooking." She said smiling.

"I like your bump." He said as he leaned down to kiss her head softly.

"Is that a compliment?" She teased slightly.

"Of course it is. You look cute with it."

"Cause it's every woman's dream to look like she's growing a beach ball out her belly."

"It's more like a volleyball at this point."

"Hey!" Peta said as she swatted at his chest. She giggled as she felt Baby kick hard under Maks' hand. "See Baby agrees, you're not supposed to pick on Mommy."

"Okay, okay, I'll stop, but I still say you look cute." He said as he kissed her again, this time tipping her head back to kiss her lips. In his opinion she really did look cute. If you didn't see the belly she was sporting you couldn't even tell she was pregnant. Not that he'd have cared either way but he knew she was nervous about how it would go and was glad it worked out how she wanted. At this point it really did look look she had a mini volleyball hiding under her shirt. He loved it.

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