Birthdays, Parties, Girl Time

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Addie - Age - nearly 6 Years Old
Peta - Pregnancy - 24 - 30 weeks

"Momma, what time is Aunt Sharna coming?" Addie asked Peta as they cleaned up from lunch.

"She's going to be here soon baby. Are you excited?"

"Yes! We get to work on Clara's room! That means she's coming soon right?"

"Yup, we're getting closer, she won't be here til after your birthday though so a few more months."

"Okay, that's still a long time to wait but not as long as Christmas."

"Definitely not as long as Christmas, oooh, I think I hear Aunt Sharna, you want to go let her in?" Peta said as she heard Sharna's text sound go off and someone knock on the door. Addie's face broke into a huge grin and she took off for the front door.

"Aunt Sharna!" She yelled as she flung the door open.

"Sugar!" Sharna said scooping up her pip squeak niece and settled her on her hip.

"Are you so excited to see me today?" Addie said as she snuggled into her aunt and started to play with Sharna's hair.

"Oh I was so excited miss. Were you so excited to see me?" She said tickling her a little bit.

"Yes! I kept asking Momma when you were coming. It took forever since we woke up."

"Well I'm here now. Are Momma and Papa going to put us to work?"

"I think so, we gotta get Clara's room ready."

"We do, are you ready for her to be here?"

"I think, sometimes I get nervous but Momma and Papa tell me they'll make sure it's all still good."

"They definitely will. And you know you can talk to any of us if you're worried right? Even me?" Sharna said. Peta had come to her a number of times after Addie had had some of her meltdowns. Sharna promised that she'd do whatever she could to help and she meant it. She understood Addie's point of view completely but she also wanted this to be a fun time for the family.

"I know. I will." Addie said as she kissed her Aunt's cheek before snuggling into her.

"Let's go find your momma miss so we can see what she wants us to do." Sharna said ditching her shoes and heading into the kitchen to find her best friend.

"Hey babe!" Sharna said hugging her friend.

"Hey! Thank you for coming to help." Peta said

"Oh shush. So what do we need to do?"

"Well right now, we're on cleaning duty. Then the guys are going to paint. Addie, Papa said you can help if you want, okay? While they are doing that we can work on some of the simple furniture." Peta explained.

"Alright, so let's get cleaning, that way they can get painting." And with that they all split off to do what they needed. Maks and Peta had worked slowly over the week and got the room cleared out so basically all the girls needed to do was wipe down the walls and dust which didn't take long. The group spent the rest of the day working on the room. Eventually they completed everything they could for the day which was a lot. All they really needed to do was move the furniture against the wall and hang the art on the walls. The group, minus Serge since he had a date, was sitting on the patio, it was late evening at that point and they were all having Chinese that they ordered in.

"Momma, can I go get Nosey & Blankie?" Addie asked from her seat on Sharna's lap. She was extremely clingly with her aunt that day.

"Yes sweet pea. Why don't you put your jammies on while you're up there? You don't have to go to sleep yet but just so you're ready okay?" Peta suggested. She could see her getting tired but knew with Sharna there sending her to bed was only asking for a meltdown. And it was a weekend and a fun day so she didn't want to end that on a bad note.

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