Pappy & Uncle Sam

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Addie - Age - 4 Months

"The guest room is clean right? And we have drinks and snack and everything? And wait I forgot to..." Peta was halted in her rambling as Maks grabbed her and pulled her into him.

"Peta." He said halting her minor freak out.

"Yeah?" She said looking at him confused.

"Breath. It's going to go okay."

"I's my dad." She said as she felt what he was talking about as her nerves came to the forefront and made themselves present to her.

"I know, and he never flies, and he's never been here, and he's meeting Addie. I get it sweetheart but if he knew just how much you were freaking out he'd yell at you right now." He said gently.

"He would...I just want it to be perfect and I want him to enjoy it and want to come back. Especially with his flying fear. I still don't know how Mum convinced him to come but I'm not complaining."

"Pretty girl, as long as he gets time with you and Miss Addie, I'm thinking its going to be pretty perfect. And I don't know either but I'm glad for you that he is coming."

"Hopefully it hasn't been too hard of a flight on him or Sam." Peta said thinking about her brother suddenly. And that's when a tiny whimper came from the baby swing as Addie woke up from her nap.

"Hey sweet pea." Peta said moving over to collect her daughter who continued to fuss for a few moments until she nuzzled into Peta's neck and rested there. "Were you not ready to wake up?"

"Maybe she'd like to go for a walk? And it would give her momma something to do so she's not sitting here worrying." Maks suggested to his two girls.

"I think we'd like that." She said and they got Addie ready. They went for a walk and then spent the next few hours together keeping busy before it was time for Barry and Sam's flight to land. Once Peta got the text, Maks began to make dinner while she settled with Addie on the floor to play in the meantime. Her dad and Sam were getting a rental to come to the house. Sam had been there a few times so he was more aware of the surroundings.

"Sam said 10 minutes." Peta said as she stood to take Addie to get her diaper changed so she'd be a happy girl when she met her pappy and uncle.

"Sweetheart! They are here." Maks yelled as he saw the car pull in the driveway. Peta came down the steps holding Addie tightly as she snuggled into her mother.

"I..." She said looking at him frazzled.

"Breath." He leaned over and kissed her softly. He reached for her hand and led her to the door and let her father and brother in.

"Hey! Welcome to LA! How was the trip?" Maks said shaking Barry's hand and one arm hugged Sam.

"It was long, but it's nice to be here. The weather is gorgeous." Sam said standing next to Maks as Barry moved over to his baby girl. Maks reached for Addie so Peta could get a good hug from her dad.

"Hi Baby." Barry said wrapping Peta in a tight hug. It had been nearly 3 years since he saw her, far far too long in both of their opinions.

"Hi Daddy." She said softly holding onto him tight. They stood their for a moment until they got their wits about them and it was Sam's turn.

"Hey little one." He said wrapping her in a hug.

"Oh shush." She said of his nickname for her.

"You're looking good." He whispered in her ear.

"Thanks, I'm feeling good." She said as she squeezed him one last time before letting him go and moving next to Maks who handed Addie back to her. She immediately snuggled into her mother's neck.

"Little miss shy." Maks teased as he ran his hand down her back.

"Dad, Sam, I would like you to meet Miss Adeline Jane Chmerkovskiy. Addie this is your Pappy and your Uncle Sam." Peta said sweetly as she moved to show her each of the new adults in her life.

"P, Baby, she's gorgeous. Hi sweetheart, I'm your pappy." Barry said moving over to his daughter and letting Addie touch his hand. She grasped his finger and seemingly looked at the man before picking her head up and giving a tiny smile.

"You want to go see Pappy sweet pea? Go ahead dad." Peta said as she shifted Addie to her father's arms.

"Hi sweetheart, I know you haven't met me yet and I'm not around a lot but I promise I'm going to make sure you know me very well and that you get to see me sweetie." He said as she played with his mustache trying to decide if she liked him or not. She eventually decided that she did and snuggled into him, yawning slightly.

"She's getting sleepy." Peta said softly.

"Can I?" Barry asked.

"You can try, sometimes she only wants me or Maks when she's sleepy but she seems pretty content right now. You can either try down here or there's a rocker in her room as well as her blankie." Peta said.

"Okay, I'll rock her if you don't mind. Thank you." He said nodding at both Peta and Maks before Peta took him to show him where the nursery was. She returned after a bit and found Maks and Sam in the tv room with a beer. Maks had a glass of wine sitting for her on the coffee table. She reached for it and settled next to Maks on the couch tucking her body into his.

"They ok?" Maks asked as his arm came down around her.

"Yeah, sorry you didn't get to hold her yet Sam." Peta said suddenly realizing her brother got screwed out of that.

"No worries sis. We're here for a week. I'll get lots of time to spoil my sweet girl. He needed that." Sam said smiling at his sister. They began talking and eventually Barry came down with a peaceful Addie sleeping on his chest. He settled in the recliner and snuggled her in a little more wrapping her blankie around her before he joined the conversation. Any of the nerves Peta had for the week went out the window as she watched her dad snuggle her little girl as her brother sat looking on. She nuzzled slightly into Maks feeling him press a kiss to her head in return before they both returned to the conversations going on and enjoyed the time with the family.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought!Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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