Name Game

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Peta was finishing up her class with her 6 & 7 year olds as Maks walked into her studio.

"Hi Mr. Maks!" Came an excited chorus of cheers from her students.

"Hi, how was your class with Miss Peta today?"

"Good!" They answered.

"You wanna show him what we worked on today?" Peta asked the excited kids. She loved them at this age, they were still young enough to be excited and not old enough yet that they were afraid of failing or messing up. They just wanted everyone's approval.

"Can we? Will you watch us Mr. Maks?" They all said excitedly.

"Of course I'll watch." Maks said moving to stand in the front of the room. Peta motioned for him to come by her and he complied.

"Okay, remember, keep your frame, stay on your toes, and remember the steps. I'm going to watch with Mr. Maks so I know what we need to work on next class." They all nodded and took their position with their assigned partners. Peta made sure they were ready before hitting play on the music.  Heavy latin beats filled the air as the children began their dance. Maks wrapped his arm around her and she rested on his chest as she kept an eye on her students.

"How you doing?" He whispered in her hair as he watched them with her.

"Good, getting tired but I'm good. Glad this is my last class though. You're done too right?" She said as she took note of a couple issues she needed to correct. 

"Yup, we can go home after this." He said chuckling as he felt her sigh in relief into him. They remained silent for the rest of the dance watching the kids and both taking note of things to correct the kids on. They were doing good though but still being that young there were areas they needed to focus on and fix up. The music came to a halt and the kids turned to look at the teachers for their approval.

"How much longer do we have?" Maks whispered to Peta.

"About 15 minutes."

"Mind if I help for a bit."

"Nope, go right ahead." She smiled and went to sit on the chair in the corner as she watched Maks praise the kids first before moving to show them some pointers and everything. He eventually went back to the music and had them start over. Peta noticed they kept his corrections and did look better. She stood up and moved over to him.

"Thank you. You wanna do our goodbye game with us?"

"Sure, you'll just have to teach me what I'm doing." He said smiling. The kids finished and turned to look at the teachers again.

"That was much better everyone, what do you say to Mr. Maks for helping us out?" Peta said to the kids.

"Thank you!!!" They chorused.

"You're welcome, I'll have to stop back in in a couple weeks to see how you are doing. So Miss Peta told me that you guys do a goodbye game do you think I could play too?"

"Yes! Yes!" They said as they ran to switch into their outdoor shoes and put all their things in their bags. They came back over and settled on the floor, making their usual circle but leaving room for Maks and Peta. They both settled on the ground with the kids and Peta went over some reminders for the next class.

"Does anyone have any questions?" She ended with as a few hands went up. She picked one of the girls first. "Alyssa?"

"Miss Peta, what's going to happen to us when you go to have the baby?" She said shyly. The kids knew Peta was pregnant. They had announced it a week ago in her classes. But there hadn't been many questions from the younger ones yet.

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