First Date

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Addie - Age - 8 Months

"Maks, are we sure about this?" Peta said as she appeared in the doorway of their bathroom to look in on him and Addie playing on the floor. He looked over at her and saw the concerned look on her face so he settled Addie with a toy and stood up to go over to her.

"Pretty girl, we talked about this. I think we need it for us but at the same time if you don't feel ready for this then we won't do it." He said as he leaned against the wall next to her.

"I don't know. I think we need it too. But that doesn't make this any easier." She said sighing.

"Hey, we'll only be gone for a few hours and she's going to be with Kelly, Val, and Sophie." Maks said tucking a stray piece of hair back for her.

"I know, and it's not that I don't trust them, it's" She said weakly.

"I get it, trust me pretty girl. You know if we get out there and one of us hates it, we can always call them and check on her or come back?" He said as he watched Addie playing with her blankie.

"I know, I want us to enjoy this though, we haven't been out alone since you took me to that spa before she was born. And she's 8 months old Maks." She said getting slightly frustrated with herself.

"Whoa, it's okay. I know it's been a long time. And I think no matter when or how long we'd have waited to do this, the first one would have always been hard. She's been with us everywhere for the past 8 months so it's understandable that you're nervous. I am too." He said pulling her into his arms gently.

"Wait, you are?" She said resting on his chest.

"Of course pretty girl. It's huge for her and for us. I don't doubt that she's going to have a great time but at the same time I know it's going to be hard on us at least. She probably won't notice until at least she gets sleepy. And then we should be almost home by then."

"Okay." She said softly leaning into him. Suddenly she felt a tug at her feet and looked down to see that Addie had moved over and wanted to join the group cuddle.

"Ma, Pa, Uh" She said raising her arms above her head. Peta bent down and scooped her up snuggling her into them for a few moments before it was time to head out.

45 minutes later, Maks and Peta were heading out of Val & Kelly's house after a long goodbye to Addie. Kelly assured them again and again that Addie was in good hands and that they'd call if it seemed like she was getting upset. Kelly remembered exactly how it felt to be in Peta's position when the roles had been reversed a few years earlier with Sophie being the one who was being watched by Maks & Peta.

"You okay pretty girl?" Maks said as they got situated in the car. He saw that her eyes were slightly wet and decided to check on her.

"Yeah, I think." She said slightly grinning at him trying to put on a brave face.

"Dinner and a movie." He said softly as he pulled out of the driveway and gave her his hand.

"I really am excited for this part." Peta said smiling bringing his hand up to her lips to kiss.

"Me too." He said as he drove them to their favorite sushi restaurant, Sugarfish. They enjoyed the dinner with Peta only texting Kelly twice. Both times Kelly responded with a picture of a happy Addie either sitting with one of them or Sophie. Before they headed to the movie, Maks called and checked himself and was satisfied when his brother told him that Addie was sleeping peacefully on him for her nap.

"Go enjoy the movie and your time with P. We've got her and I'll text if she gets fussy and missing you. I promise." Val responded.

"Val says they are good and they want us to enjoy the movie." Maks said taking Peta into the theatre. They settled themselves in the back row and began to watch the new film enjoying their time together. At one point Maks leaned over and pressed  a kiss to Peta's lips. The simple kiss turned into a heated make out session in the darkness of the movies. Eventually Peta pulled away remembering they were in public. They watched the rest of the movie sharing small kisses here and there.

"Ahh, I hope Addie did as well as they say she did." Peta said getting excited as they pulled into Val's driveway. Sophie was waiting for them in the doorway when she saw them pull in.

"Aunt Eta Aunt Eta!" She exclaimed running out.

"Hey bee. How are you? Did you have fun with Addie?" Peta asked scooping her niece up as they headed into the home.

"Yes yes yes! I can't wait for hers to come back. Mommy let me feed her a bottle and Daddy read us both a book and then I played with her. She only cried when she getted hungry." Sophie rambled excitedly.

"Look who's here Addie." Kelly told the tiny girl in her arms. She was rubbing the sleep from her eyes so Maks and Peta knew she had just woken up.

"Ma ma ma ma ma." Addie said her face lighting up as she reached for her mother. Maks took Sophie from Peta while Peta took Addie and cuddled her into her.

"Ohhh, Mommy missed you sweet girl." She said holding her close as Addie squeezed her mother tight.

"Pa pa pa pa pa pa!" She shrieked next seeing her Papa standing there. She reached for him and got the same reaction from him with lots of snuggles and love. They spent some time with their extended family before starting home happy that they had made it through their first night out and Addie seemed to not be phased by her newest experience.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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