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Peta was seated on the couch in their living room getting antsy. Tomorrow was her shower and she was sidelined on the couch because Kelly and Sharna wanted to surprise her with the decorations and everything. She appreciated their excitement but she was excited about the shower too and wanted to be able to help. She had also stopped working this week so she had spent her days hanging out at the house and she was beginning to go stir crazy just sitting there.

"Maks!" She yelled. He was in the kitchen doing dinner.

"Are you okay?" He said alarmed as he busted into the room holding his stirring spoon and a shaker of garlic. Peta cracked up at the image.

"I'm sorry." She said as she tried to control her giggles. He tried to look at her sternly for scaring him but lost it himself. Finally they both caught their giggles and settled.

"What did you need pretty girl? Now that I know nothing is wrong." He said as he gave her a look but it didn't last long cause she was still working on those giggles.

"I'm sorry. I was just bored and I wanted you." She said cautiously.

"Babe." He said laughing.

"What? The girls are doing the shower and I wanna help but they won't let me. And I've been sitting here all week alone while you worked. Not that I'm complaining but I don't want to be alone in here anymore." She said with a slight grump to her tone.

"Do you wanna come out with me while I finish?" He said trying to settle her some. He knew she was frustrated with having to be done working especially when she had 8 weeks left but it was wearing her out too much. He also knew the fact that her mother wasn't here for the shower like planned wasn't helping the situation either. He did have a plan for later that he hoped would cheer her up some.

"Can I? You said you were going to go cook and just left me in here."

"Pretty girl, I went and left you here cause you were watching your show and I didn't want to make you leave. I would be happy to have you come out in the kitchen with me. You can be my tester if you want too. I made a new sauce and I'm trying to see if it tastes okay." He held his hand out to her as she came to join him. He pressed a kiss to her forehead and led her out to the kitchen. He got her situated near him and then went back to cooking.

"So you're excited for tomorrow?" He asked her.

"Yes I just wish I was able to help tonight. I'm just excited and I wanna help you know?"

"I understand that. The girls just wanted to surprise you though."

"I know. And I appreciate it. I'm just antsy I guess."

"Wanna see if Sophie can spend the night? I'm sure she's driving Kel and Sharna nuts over there. We could get her after dinner, take her for yogurt and then bring her back here for a movie?"

"You sure you're up for that?"

"Yup, why don't you call Kel or Val." He slid his phone over to her. She dialed Val's number figuring Kelly would be busy. She got him quickly and he agreed that was a perfect idea. He let Peta ask Sophie and Maks could her his niece's excitement from where he was standing. She hung up laughing.

"She says hurry up and eat dinner please. She's ready to come now. We're gonna keep her til we go over for the shower and then that way they can do the food and everything without her bouncing around. Val said she's trying to help and excited but she's just too little to do alot."

"Alright. I guess we better hurry then. Don't want to keep miss little one waiting. Here will you taste this first? It's supposed to be a lighter alfredo with a touch of heat but I'm afraid it's too garlicky." He said handing her a spoon with some sauce on it. She tasted it and shook her head at him.

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