Addie's First Day

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Addie - Age - 1 Day

Val and Kelly stayed for an hour or so before noticing that Peta needed some rest. They gave Adeline some extra cuddles before sharing their congratulations and love with Maks and Peta. They promised to bring Sophie by the next day as long as Peta and Addie were up to the excited 3 year old. Otherwise they'd hold off until they got home so Peta would have more time to recoup. Once they were out Maks turned and smiled at his wife who was clearly enamored with the little one wrapped up in her arms.

"You miss need to sleep some." He said as he settled himself on the edge of the bed next to her.

"But she's cozy." She said never even picking her eyes up.

"She sure is pretty girl. But her mommy needs some sleep especially cause you know we are going to have visitors later. And you want to be able to go home tomorrow right?"

"Yes." She said quietly. Dr. Alta had said that due to the complications and the rough delivery which although had ended up going well with both Addie and Peta coming out perfectly healthy, it still had taken its toll on Peta. They were monitoring her to make sure there were no repercussions to the fast paced birth. They wanted her to make sure to rest as much as possible while in here before she headed home with a newborn.

"Okay then, maybe Miss Addie wants some cuddle time with her papa." He said finally catching Peta's eye and getting a smile out of her.

"I guess she would like that. I know her papa's cuddles are my favorite."

"Well the last I checked, Papa had two arms and cuddling both his girls might be something he wants to do." He winked at her as she shifted in the bed wincing slightly at the soreness. He noticed and became concerned. "You okay?"

"Yeah, well I'm still a little sore. They said they'll keep giving me pain relief but I'm not due for a little while yet. It's okay handsome." She said as he settled next to her and she passed Addie into his arms. She grinned as she watched Addie seemingly curled into Maks' chest and snuggled further into sleep.

"You'll let me know if it gets worse."

"Yes. I promise. Now hold me so I can sleep please." She said sweetly.

"Come here." He said lifting his other arm and letting her snuggle in. He pressed a kiss to her head and then a kiss to Addie's as he sat there enjoying the quiet time with both his girls.


A few hours later, a round of rest, and a feeding for Addie, the three were ready for company. Which was a good thing because Beau had just texted to say that he and Suzanne were on their way after dropping off her stuff at the house.

"I can't wait to see what mom says. I'm sorry yours aren't coming yet handsome." Peta said softly as Addie lay quietly in his arms. His parents had opted to wait a bit to come out. They figured they'd wait til the craziness had died down and then come out for a few weeks when life got hectic for them.

"I wish they were here but I'm glad they are coming later. I think that's best anyways. And we can skype them later if you're feeling up to it. That way they can see her on her first day too."

"We can definitely do that."

"Here I think someone is ready for mommy time." Maks said as Addie began to squirm. She wasn't upset but Maks could just tell. He handed Addie back to Peta and laughed when she grunted out a sigh before nestling into Peta's embrace.

"Hey sweet pea. I missed you too. Your Gigi and Uncle Beau are coming to visit soon so I may have to let them hold you for a bit but Papa and I are right here if you need us." Maks smiled at her protectiveness and reassurance that were already showing.

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