The Best Kept Christmas Secret

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Addie - Age - 5 Years Old
Peta - Pregnancy - Week 10

"Momma, when does everyone get here?" Addie asked as she helped Peta make sugar cookies.

"Well, Gigi, Pappy, Uncle Sam & Aunt Lana all get her tomorrow. Baba, Deda, Aunt Nicole, Uncle Ilya, Kalen, Uncle Teddy, and Aunt Colette all come the day after tomorrow." Peta said as she helped Addie get some of the sugar on the actual cookies.

"And Gigi, Pappy, Uncle Sam, & Aunt Lana are staying here right?" Addie asked giggling as she just turned a Santa purple.

"Right, and Baba, Deda, Uncle Teddy, and Aunt Colette are staying with Uncle Val and Aunt Kelly. And Aunt Nicole, Uncle Ilya and Kalen are with Yaron." Peta explained.

"Okay, and everyone is coming here for before Santa comes right? Aunt Sharna too? Cause it's our turn this year so they stayed here right? And that's when we are going to tell them our bestest secret?" She asked her eyes lighting up.

"You're right sweet pea, you still want to tell everyone?"

"Oh yes please Momma, can I still do it?"

"You can still do it sweetheart, here, switch me trays so we can cook these ones."

"Okay, I can't wait to surprise Papa with these when he comes home. I wish he didn't have to teach today." She pouted slightly as she worked on a tray of snowman cookies.

"I know, me too, it's his last day though for 2 weeks and you're done with school for two weeks too so we'll get lots of time together. And I think he wanted to make more cookies when he comes home. He's the dough maker remember?"

"Chocolate chips?!" She said excitedly.

"I'm pretty sure if you ask for chocolate chip ones he'll make them for you." Peta said pressing a kiss to Addie's head as she switched trays with her again. "You want to try to roll?"

"Yes please! Can I cut too?" She said as she bounced off her chair at her sprinkle station to where Peta was rolling out dough.

"Only if I can cut too." Maks's voice appeared through the kitchen.

"Papa!" Addie said as she leaped for him. He caught her easily and hugged her tight.

"You're home early." Peta said surprised as she leaned up to kiss him.

"Yeah, I only had 3 students show up so we did some stuff and then I let them go early and promised them all a 15 minute private for showing up to class before Christmas." He explained as he leaned against the counter.

"Papa, are you gonna help Momma and me make cookies now? I just telled Momma how I wished you were here to help and you came! Papa are you magic?" She said giggling as he tickled her.

"I wish Addie girl. I'm going to help you and Momma right after I shower up. You want to make some other kinds of cookies tonight?"

"Yes please! Can I help you mix?"

"Yes you can. Here you go help momma roll and cut while I shower and I'll be back down." He said helping her get settled so she could help Peta. He headed up to shower before he returned and the family spent the rest of the day making a few more kinds of cookies before ending the day watching The Grinch with Addie.


"Good morning pretty girl." Maks said the next morning as he felt Peta shift into him and press into his neck like she usually did when she woke up. He had been up for a little bit but opted to just lay there and relax for a bit. He loved the holidays but the next few days were usually pretty hectic.

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