Never Grow Up

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For Miss stefanie_brito thank you! I hope you love it. :) Love you!

Your little hand's wrapped around my finger
And it's so quiet in the world tonight
Your little eyelids flutter cause you're dreaming
So I tuck you in, turn on your favorite night light
To you everything's funny, you got nothing to regret
I'd give all I have, honey
If you could stay like that

"There you are." Maks said finding his wife curled up on the back porch swing.

"How is she?" Peta said as she moved what she was looking through and waited for Maks to sit beside her. He did and she automatically shifted into his body as his arm wrapped around her holding him tight.

"Pretty sure she's going to cry herself to sleep but she's calmer than when we came home. She's got Addie's sweater and she's curled up with a movie and Sampson." Maks said softly.

"I can't say I blame her." Peta whispered.

"Me either. It's going to get easier." Maks said as his hand coasted up and down his wife's back.

"I guess." Peta said as tears filled her eyes again. He decided he'd go with distraction rather than fixing it. This wasn't one of those fixable things.

"What were you looking at?" He said motioning to whatever was next to her.

"Addie's scrapbook." Peta said reaching for it and pulling it over to them.

"Babe, is that helpful?" Maks said chuckling as he shifted them so she could open the book.

"Yes and no but look." Peta said pointing to one of the first memories in the book. The picture was one that Maks had taken of Peta and Addie a few months after her first birthday.

"Oh I remember that day. I came home from everything at the studio that day and couldn't find you two." Maks said smiling thinking back.

"Oh, sweet pea, you're supposed to be sleeping now." Peta said softly as she rocked her tiny girl in the rocker one night. Maks had some things to do at the studio in preparation for the Summer Invitational so she was on bedtime duty on her own. Addie had other ideas about her bedtime though.

"Ma, Book?" Addie asked as she snuggled into her mother. She wasn't fussy or upset or anything, she just seemingly wanted cuddled. Not that Peta minded but it was late and she knew that no matter what time Addie went to sleep she was going to still wake up early, therefore giving her and Maks a grumpy Addie for the next day.

"Sweetheart, its sleepy time." Peta said gently. She had already read her four books.

"Peas?" Addie said as she fluttered her eyelashes at her mother. Peta looked at her for a moment and decided to say screw it. Her baby was only going to be little for so long and she needed to enjoy those moments while she had them. They could deal with grumpies tomorrow when it came.

"Go ahead and pick one sweet pea, but then it's snuggles and sleeps okay?" Peta said smiling as Addie's eyes lit up and she squirmed until Peta put her down. She toddled over to the bookstand and found Goodnight Moon before bringing it to Peta.

"Nigh Moon." She said as she snuggled back into her mother's embrace. Peta handed her Bunny and Blankie and curled her in tight. Addie gripped one of her fingers as well. It had been a new thing she started recently whenever they taught her pinky promises. She didn't quite understand them yet but it was oh so cute. It then translated into her wanting to hold one of their fingers when she was sleepy.

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