Sway - Part 2

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The morning of rehearsals came quick after the night of rest. As promised everyone had breakfast with Sophie before she went to spend sometime with Larisa and while rehearsals went on. They got everything settled and went to the rehearsal space. It was like a huge family reunion as everyone was back together again. Before a lot of them had seen each other almost on a day to day basis but now everyone was spreading out, building families, and furthering their careers but they all still had the same bonds. Maks, Val,and Tony let everyone greet and be excited for each other before bringing the group to attention.

"Welcome back everyone! First off we want to say how thankful we are for all of you and your continued dedication to Sway. It would not be such a spectacular production without each and everyone of you." Tony started off.

"For this production we are keeping the majority of the same numbers that we've always had. We like that people can expect to see some of the same familiar things they enjoy but we'd also like to change up a few numbers in each section. Tony's section is going to have two numbers switched, as well as one of his dances with Sharna will be changed. My section is going to have a new number with Kelly, three new group numbers, and a new dance with Jenna. And then Maks' section is going to switch out a new number and one of his dances with Peta will be changed as well as some section of choreography in the usual numbers. The opener and the finale will be staying the same." Val informed everyone.

"And after that, I have an announcement to make. P, will you come join me?" He motioned for Peta to come stand beside him. She did leaving her spot between Kelly and Sharna to stand next to him. He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her into him. He had learned through their various announcements that she got nervous everytime regardless of the expectations that everyone would be excited. She wrapped her arm around his back, fingering a piece of his shirt as she let him go back to making their announcement.

"Okay, so first off I would like to say that what I'm about to say is to stay within this group. No announcements, no telling anyone else, this stays in this room and goes no further. I'll explain more why in a minute but for now, I'm happy and excited to annouce that about 5 weeks ago, Peta and I found out we were expecting." The room quickly erupted into cheers as everyone quickly moved forward to congratulate the two. After things calmed down again Maks got everyone listening to him again.

"So we've talked with our doctor and made sure that this wouldn't do any harm to Peta or the baby and she's agreed with some specifications. This is why we will be altering a few sections of choreo in some of the numbers. Also, like I said, this can go no further than this room. All that knows right now are our close friends and family which of course includes all of you. We would like to keep it this way for now until we are ready to alert the public and media. So while I understand you are all excited for us please no announcements or anything on social media until we've said something ourselves." Everyone nodded their heads and murmured their promises.

"Okay, so now that we've gotten all that out there, let's all break up and start our warm ups." Val yelled, bouncing around getting everyone hyped up a little. Maks pulled Peta into him quickly and kissed her forehead.

"Love you pretty girl." He murmured to her.

"Me too." She smiled as she moved back to her place and joined in the warms ups with everyone else. Maks, Val, and Tony stayed in front to lead everyone. Maks kept an eye on Peta though to make sure she wasn't wearing out or that anything wasn't bothering her. After an hour everryone was warmed up and ready to go. They began to break into different groups so that the guys could teach the new numbers for their sections.

"You doing okay?" Maks moved over to check on Peta.

"Yeah, I'm good, a little tired but good." She smiled at him. She gave him a reassuring look when he looked skeptical at her quick response. "Go babe, teach, I'm sitting for the next hour anyways, I'm good. I promise."

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