Peek A Boo

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Addie - Age - 5 Months

"P! Come here!" Maks yelled for his wife as he sat in Addie's room playing with her.

"What's wrong?" Peta said as she came into the room only to find Addie sitting on the floor looking at Maks holding a blanket.

"Nothing's wrong, just wait a second. Watch. Show Momma Addie girl. Where'd Addie go?" Maks prompted waiting for Addie to do it. She pulled her blanket over her face and then suddenly peaked out looking at Maks and giggling.

"There's my Addie girl!" He said rewarding her with his words and his smile. She pulled the blanket up again and Maks nodded at Peta.

"Where's Addie?" Peta said waiting for her daughter to pop back out. Addie slowly peaked one eye out from behind the blanket and grinned at Peta giggling. "There's my sweet pea!"

"I was helping her do it herself and then we were sitting here because I thought she was over it. Really she just wanted to do it and so she picked up the blanket and pulled it up and then looked at me with a huge grin." Maks told Peta as Addie kept playing with Peta.

"Such a big girl, sweetheart. Papa helped you learn how to do it all by yourself." Peta said as Addie got sick of the game and reached for Peta. She pulled her into her lap and handed her a new toy to play with.

Since she was almost 4 months they had realized she was learning that people go away and come back. They'd take a blanket and cover her up and pull it away quickly only to get a huge grin when she saw they were still there. Then eventually they moved to where they'd cover up and pull the blanket away and she'd shriek in excitement. She had finally gotten good at using both her arms and moving the blanket up and down so they had been waiting for her to get this one down. It was such a crazy thing to see her growing so much and learning everything but it was amazing all the same.

"I think this is my new favorite thing with her." Peta said in a little while when Addie got sick of the toy and wanted the blanket back. She laughed as Addie looked at Maks confused when he didn't react quick enough.

"Mine too. There's my Addie!" He said much quicker this time getting a giggle from Addie. They continued playing with her and enjoying her new found skill as the day went on.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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