Family Time

782 20 5

Addie - 6 Years
Clara - 4 weeks

"Okay Miss Clara so tomorrow you're going to start having lots of visitors." Peta explained to her littlest daughter who was working on her bottle in her arms. Addie appeared beside Peta and looked at her with a grin. Peta lifted her arm and let Addie snuggle into her.

"Momma, after Clara is done eating, can we maybe read? We can even read little books so Clara can listen too."

"I think we can do that baby. In fact, after this bottle Clara should actually be taking a nap so we can put her in her swing and you and I can read for a bit okay?"

"Yay, thanks momma. Can I tell Clara all about who's coming to visit?"

"Sure baby, just speak soft cause we want her to start getting sleepy okay?"

"Okay Momma, I will. So Clara, our family is going to start visting us tomorrow so that they can meet you and visit us. First, tomorrow, Baba and Deda are coming. They are Papa's Momma and Papa. They are very cool. Deda likes to take us and sneak and get ice cream and Baba helps. They take care of us when Momma and Papa dance so we have fun things to do. They live in New York City, well near New York City, I can't remember what it's called but we take a plane to visit them. Sometimes planes are scary but Momma and Papa keep us safe. We won't take you on a plane for awhile yet though because Momma says that's too much for you to handle and I agree." Addie said whispering. She paused when Clara finished her bottle and let Peta shift her up to her shoulder. She leaned over and gave Clara a kiss before snuggling back into Peta. Peta smiled and started to sway lightly in the recliner.

"You can keep going sweet pea." Peta said pressing a kiss to Addie's head.

"Okay, then in two days, Gigi, Pappy, Uncle Sam & Aunt Lana are coming! They live all the way in Australia which is super far and we've never been there because Momma says it takes a whole day to get there on a plane which is a long long time. We'll go someday though because that's where Momma grew up so she wants to show us everything. But so we don't see them lots but when they come visit they usually come for a long time like more than a week. Uncle Sam and Aunt Lana are the funnest, they play with us and read to us and sometimes Uncle Sam sneaks us treats. Gigi and Pappy are fun too. Pappy is a good cuddler and Gigi is good at cooking and doing hairs too. You don't have enough hair for her to do but when you do, you'll like it too. She's good because when Momma was a little girl like us, Gigi did her hairs too. Momma, she's sleeping." Addie said as she noticed Clara had drifted off.

"Okay sweet pea. Let me move her over to her swing. Do you want to go grab your book and can you grab Clara's blanket for me please?"

"Sure Momma, I'll be quick." Addie said as she hopped off Peta's lap and headed to their rooms. Peta swiftly transferred Clara to her swing and started it so that it would rock her gently. Addie returned with her book and Clara's blanket as well as her blanket. Peta tucked Clara's blanket around her legs before letting Addie curl up into the chair with her. She handed Peta the new book they had started, "Maniac Magee", and Peta began to read.

After awhile it felt like Addie had fallen asleep against Peta which was unusual at this point for her because she didn't really nap during the day anymore. Peta rested the book on the arm of the chair and pulled Addie in closer as she tried to see if she had a fever. She seemed to feel fine so she sat there rocking them for awhile.

"Momma?" Addie's voice whispered through the silence as it slightly startled Peta.

"Yes sweet pea? Sorry I stopped reading I thought you fell asleep."

"It's okay, I was just thinking. When everyone comes to meet Clara are they still going to be excited to see me too?"

"Yes baby, they are definitely going to be excited to see you, they may seem more excited to meet Clara at the beginning but they are definitely super excited to see you. And you can show them all the things you learned in ballet this year and show them all your things from when we went to see The Little Mermaid. And I think Uncle Sam and Aunt Lana wanted to see about taking you out one night so you can have a big girl night with just them."

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