Come Home Soon

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Addie - Age - 2 Years Old

"Babe, when do you think you'll be able to be back?" Peta said sighing.

"I'm hoping by early tomorrow baby. I'm sorry. I know I was supposed to be there for bath time tonight but this weather, they have all the flights cancelled or delayed as of now. I asked for them to bump me to the first available flight."

"Alright, I know it's not your fault. You didn't cause the snowstorm out there but Addie with her ear infection. She's been asking for you more and more. We both miss you."

"I miss you guys too pretty girl. Hopefully I'll be there early morning."

"Okay babe. I hear Addie waking up so I gotta go and get her." She said softly.

"Alright pretty girl, I love you and give Addie hugs and kisses from me please?"

"I will handsome, I love you too, we both do. I'll talk to you later."

"Later baby." Maks said as she disconnected the call. Peta sighed and headed upstairs to get their daughter. Maks had had business to take care of at the DWM. It was supposed to be a short trip so they had decided that Peta and Addie would stay in LA. They had figured it would be easier on Addie rather than flying back and forth over a couple days. Thank god they had because the morning after Maks left, Addie began running a fever so Peta had taken her to the doctor only to find out that she had a double ear infection. Needless to say Maks not being home right now had been tougher than usual. She was usually a pretty happy girl but when she wasn't feeling well she wanted both of her parents and lots of cuddles. She and Peta had a countdown to Maks coming back but the snowstorm through a wrench into those plans.

"Hi sweet pea." Peta said as she headed into her baby's room. Addie was sitting in the middle of her bed looking a bit disheveled from her nap.

"Momma." She said softly reaching for Peta. Peta scooped her up and snuggled her baby into her. Addie buried herself into Peta's chest as she enjoyed her mother's cuddles.

"How's my sweet pea?" Peta asked softly as she carried her out of her room and down to the bathroom. They were working on potty training and finally had gotten her out of pull-ups so they always made sure she went right to the bathroom after sleep or nap to ensure she didn't have any accidents.

"Yuck." Addie said clinging to her mother as Peta went to set her down.

"I'm sorry baby. Let's go potty and then we'll get you a snack and your medicine, ok?" Addie pouted but nodded her head and did as Peta asked. They washed up and then headed downstairs to pick a snack. Addie picked grapes and cheese so Peta got it ready for her before giving her medicine and taking them into the room. She settled them on the sofa letting Addie enjoy her snack.

"What do you want to do baby?" Peta asked her as she snuggled into Peta's side.

"Watch punzel." Addie asked.

"We can do that little miss. Do you want to just watch or you want to color too?" Peta asked smoothing Addies crazy nap hair out of her face.

"Color in yous lap peas?" She said smiling at her mom.

"Sounds like a plan pea. I'm going to go get the coloring book and crayons while you finish your snack okay?"

"No, I come with you." Addie said not wanting to leave her mother.

"Okay baby, come on." Peta said knowing that when she was sick there was no use arguing with her so it was just easier to just scoop Addie up and take her with her. They got everything they needed and then got settled on the couch with a snack table for coloring. Peta started the movie and they began to color. Eventually Addie grew tired of coloring and Peta shifted them around on the couch so they could snuggle for the rest of the movie. Once it finished Addie was content to stay curled up on her mother.

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