Little Things

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For Miss 123Janae123, she has been waiting for this one for quite sometime. I'm going to smush her two loves Chmergs/Addie/Clara & 1D.

Addie - 6 Years
Clara - 4 weeks

Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me
But bear this in mind it was meant to be
And I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks
And it all makes sense to me
I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile
You've never loved your stomach or your thighs
The dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine
But I'll love them endlessly
I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to
I'm in love with you and all these little things

Maks woke up to whimpers from across the room. He leaned up over his wife and could see Clara squirming in her crib. He sighed she had been up numerous times that night just needing extra cuddles and love from her parents. Apparently the massive amount of activities & family time had affected her more than just what they dealt with at Universal.

"Clara." Peta said softly as she woke up as well.

"Go back to sleep pretty girl, I got her." Maks said as he pressed a kiss to his wife's head.

"You sure?" She said as her voice came out laced with sleep.

"Positive. Close your eyes baby." Maks said as he climbed out of the bed.

"Love you. Give her a kiss for me." Peta said before she flipped over and snuggled into his pillow.

"Hey Little One, what's wrong?" Maks said as he scooped Clara up out of her bassinet. He snuggled her into his chest and felt her calm down a little.

"Let's go get you a new butt and then see if you're hungry." Maks said softly. He would never announce it but these moments in the middle of the night or the early hours of the morning were some of his favorites with his babies. They were memories that couldn't be replicated because they were made out of that moment and that element. It wasn't planned nor was it something that you could find everyday.

He got her changed and then went to make her bottle. He grabbed her blanket and kitten before taking her out to the swing. Much like Addie, Clara was the calmest when they were swinging out in the fresh air.

"Okay baby, let's see if you're hungry or if you're just needing cuddles. You can have both though so you don't have to pick, okay? Papa is willing to do both for his little girl especially since you're so cute. It makes it hard to say no to you. Especially when you blink those little eyes with me. I'll bet you're going to have your mother's eyes just like your sister. Then I'm going to be extra in trouble because I won't be able to tell any of you no. Don't tell them that though. It'll be our little secret." Clara kept drinking from her bottle as her eyes stayed focused on Maks. She had wrapped fingers around one of his as she just listened to him talk.

"So you do want both huh? That's okay, we put you in a lot of new places the past couple days and that was probably super scary for you. Momma and I are here though. We'll keep you safe and give you lots of love and cuddles til you're okay again. Even if it's super early in the morning." Maks said as he smiled at her. She was just content to watch him and drink her bottle. You could definitely see that it was both things that she wanted. She may have been hungry but he figured that she would have been content to just be cuddled. He left her finish her bottle in peace as she just continued to watch him. When she finished he went to burp her but she protested immediately. He burped her quickly and then got her situated again where she could see him.

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