Nighttime Reminiscing

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Addie - Age - 3 Months

Three days ago Addie turned 3 months and on the day after that Peta had come down with the flu which had wiped her out completely. As much as it had hurt her she had let Maks take full care of Addie until she was feeling better. She was missing the time with her baby but at the same time, she knew that there was no way that Addie could get what she had.

On the other hand, they had just started letting Addie sleep in her crib at night which ironically was helpful because she was no longer sleeping in her bassinet in Maks and Peta's room. Maks had put Addie to bed a little while ago and was now sitting with Peta in the bedroom for a bit.

"Feeling any better pretty girl?" He asked as he ran his hand through her hair. She was laying down with her head tucked into his lap.

"Mostly, just tired and queasy now. I don't feel like I'm going to pass out anymore or that the room is spinning on end. Thank god."

"I think that's much better. Maybe by tomorrow you'll be able to leave the bedroom."

"I hope so. I miss my sweet pea." She said softly.

"She misses you too sweetheart but soon you'll be betterand then everyone will be healthy and we can all get some time in together."

"Thank you for taking care of us both handsome."

"You don't have to thank me for that pretty girl. I love taking care of my girls." And with that there was a whimper on the baby monitor. They both hesitated to see if she'd go back to sleep but the whimpers continued. 

"Sounds like someone wants her daddy." Peta said as she lifted her head off Maks and let him stand up.

"I'll be back. Try to get rest P." He said as he bent down to kiss her forehead quick before heading out of the room. He crossed the hall and opened the door to his little girls room. He went to her crib and scooped her up.

"Hey Addie girl. What's wrong huh? Let's see if you're wet." Maks spoke to her softly as he took her over to the changing table. He got her changed quickly and she settled some but she still wasn't content as far as he could tell.

"Okay, so that wasn't the problem. You're not usually hungry now. Let's just see if rocking helps you." He grabbed her blanket from the crib and headed over to the rocker with her. He settled her up on his chest and wrapped the blanket around her loosely. Then he began to rock. He smiled as she snuggled into his and settled but didn't fall asleep. She just stared up at him with her big green eyes that were just like her mothers. In fact except for her dark locks she was the spitting image of her mother and Maks couldn't have been happier.

"Ahh, so you just wanted some attention huh? Well you know miss it is late and it's past your bedtime but with those eyes, you know I can't say no to you. You want Papa to tell you a story?"

Addie grinned and gurgled back at him as she reached her hand up for his face. He smiled and clasped her hand in his letting her play with his fingers as he began to talk.

"Well let's see." He said looking over at her bookshelf for a good one. He decided he had a better idea.

"I'll bet you're missing momma just as much as she's missing you huh?" He smiled when her eyes lit up momentarily at the name.

"Hopefully by tomorrow she'll be feeling better and you'll be able to see her. But so I think tonight Papa is going to make up his own story for you, well not make it up but maybe I'll tell you the story of the night that I proposed to your Momma. That sounds good? Yeah, I think so too. Okay now where do I begin?" Maks said thinking about where to begin this story.

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