Lights, Camera, Action

665 20 8

Addie - 6 Years
Clara - 4 weeks
Sophie - 8 Years

The family had spent the day in between the zoo & Universal having a movie day. Everyone came over to Maks & Peta's house and they spent a lazy day. Sophie realized that they had the huge Harry Potter attraction at Universal and then came to the realization that Addie hadn't seem them. She begged all the adults to let them watch some of them the next day so Addie would be able to enjoy that part with her. After some discussion Maks and Peta decided that she could watch them as long as they didn't scare her. So aside from just needing a relax day, that was the other reason that they had the relax day. Addie ended up loving the movies, they actually got through 5 of them and she was excited to see the remaining 3 in the future.

"You ready for this pretty girl?" Maks asked as the two lay in bed the next morning. Clara was laying next to Peta. She had woken up a little earlier than usual so they had given her her bottle in bed.

"Yes, and no." Peta said softly as she let Clara play with her hand.

"At least we have help." Maks said softly.

"Yeah but I can't help but think we're putting Clara into many environments. I mean I don't want to not do this with everyone but at the same time it's been a lot lately. And clearly it's beginning to affect her. I know she's a baby but she very rarely wakes up early like this."

"I agree. I think it's been a lot. At least after today it's not a lot anymore. My parents leave Sunday & then we have your parents for another week and they are good with quietness. And Addie even has her date with Sam and Lana. We can really focus on Clara that night and just give her some down time with just us. Maybe we can even send your parents out to a nice dinner so it doesn't feel like we are just shutting them off."

"That's a good idea. I just hope today goes okay. Addie is so excited so I just hope it goes well." Peta said and Maks could hear the anxiety in her voice. The worst part was she tended to be right when she was worried about something.

"We'll figure it out. It'll be okay." Maks said pulling her in tight as Clara reached for her mother. Peta smiled and snuggled her in as well as Clara seemingly drifted back to sleep snuggled in with her parents. The family laid there for a little while longer before they realized they needed to get a move on. Maks got up and showered while Peta stayed with Clara. Then they swapped as Maks took Clara downstairs with him to make breakfast while Peta showered. Maks tucked Clara into her swing and moved her close to him so he could see if she woke up. He began making pancakes figuring they were simple enough.

"Morning Papa." Addie said appearing in the kitchen as Maks was just finishing up. Sam and Lana appeared behind her as well but she moved over next to Maks. She hugged his leg and then reached up for him to pick her up, Clara started crying at the same time. Maks looked confused for a moment but Sam lifted up Clara so Maks could get Addie.

"Hey Addie girl, did you have good sleeps?" Maks said after he had scooped her up. She snuggled into his neck and wrapped her arms around him.

"Mmhmm." She said apparently not fully awake as she rested on her father.

"Still sleepy?" Maks asked pressing a kiss to her cheek as she nodded her head.

"Is she hungry Maks?" Sam asked. Clara had stopped crying but she definitely wasn't content either. Usually she was pretty good as soon as someone had her again. It was not the case today.

"She shouldn't be. She ate before we came down. She may need changed. Addie can you help Uncle Sam & Aunt Lana get the things out for breakfast while I change Clara?"

"I wanna stay with you." Addie muttered.

"I..." Maks started but Lana stopped him.

"I can change her. It's okay Maks. You can finish up here."

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