Sick Snuggles & Surprises

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Addie - 6 Years
Clara - 4 weeks

"Papa, papa, papa." Maks felt a little hand on his arm shaking him awake. He opened his eyes to find Addie standing next to him with tears streaming down her face clutching Nosey & Blankie.

"What's the matter Addie Girl?" Maks said pulling her up on the bed and holding her. He knew instantly her Tylenol had worn off because she was hot as hell.

"My throat hurts." She said as she held onto him sobbing.

"Shhh, I know baby, let's go get you more medicine, it'll help you feel better."

"I want you." She whimpered pitifully.

"I'm not going anywhere." Maks said standing up and settling her on his chest as he headed to her room to find the Tylenol and thermometer. He gave her the Tylenol and then took her temp. He whistled when the reading came out as 102.2.

"I don't want to be sick." Addie said as her tears continued.

"I know baby, I don't want you to be sick either but it does look like we need to take you to the doctors tomorrow. That way we can find out what's wrong and get you better."

"But the zoo." She said as her faced crumpled further. They were all supposed to go to the zoo tomorrow. Both families and Addie had been more excited than ever especially because she got all her family together and she got to show Clara new things.

"I know sweetheart, if you're sick we'll plan another day for the zoo. Baba and Deda have another week yet and Gigi and Pappy have two."


"I promise. We won't go with out you." He said cuddling her in and letting her rest on him. He knew it would be a bit before the Tylenol kicked in and she'd sleep so he figured he'd give her a tiny treat. "Since it's going to take some time for the Tylenol to help you, how about we go snuggle on the couch and we can put on a movie til you're sleeping?"

"Tangled?" She whispered.

"Sure baby." Maks said as he carried her down the stairs and into the family room. He settled them in the corner of the couch and grabbed one of the fuzzy throws to cover them up with before starting the movie. It took a bit but Addie finally fell asleep after about 45 minutes. Maks figured they were okay to stay there for the night so after emailing the doctor to see if they could squeeze her in, he snuggled in Addie a bit more and closed his eyes himself.

"Handsome." Peta said softly when she found her husband and oldest child the next morning.

"Hmm." He said as he opened his eyes sleepily. He was confused for a moment but then remembered everything. He looked to his other side and saw that Addie was still there sleeping peacefully.

"She woke up?" Peta said looking sadly at Addie.

"Yeah, the Tylenol wore off and her throat got bad and her fever was higher. She was sobbing so I figured it was pointless to try to make her sleep til the Tylenol kicked in. So I brought us down here and just held her. I emailed the doctors to see if they could see her today. I've got a good feeling it's strep again so I figure the sooner we get her in the better."

"My poor sweet pea. I'm sure papa time helped some too. Did the doctors write back?" Maks found his phone and checked his email.

"Yeah, they have an opening at 11:30 if we want it. What time is it now? Oh wait I'm holding my phone. It's 8. So I'll let them know we'll take it?"

"Yeah, I think that's best, and then why don't we wake her up for more Tylenol and you guys go lay down in her room. I can wake you up when it's time to get ready."

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