Doctors & Shots

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Addie - Age - 3 Months

"What if something is wrong?" Peta asked as they finished getting Addie ready for her first doctor's appointment.

"Babe, it's her first check up. She seems to be healthy." Maks said trying to sooth his frazzled wife. She had been a ball of nerves ever since they made the appointment for her first check-up.

"I know but still what if they tell us something isn't right or she's not developing?" She said looking at him with worried eyes.

"Well first off I don't think that's going to happen but in the meantime what we do is keep our thoughts positive and then we take on anything that comes at us as a family. Okay?" He said pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"I'm sorry. I'm being ridiculous." Peta said sighing as she finished putting Addie's stuff in the diaper bag.

"You're not. I get it pretty girl. It's a huge deal and she has to get shots so I know neither of us are going to deal with that very well. You're allowed to worry. I just don't want your head to get away with you." He said wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into his chest next to Addie.

"I know, I'm trying. I'll just be glad when we can put this first one behind us." She said nervously.

"Me too pretty girl. Let's get going. The faster we get in there, the faster this is over and then we can curl up for the evening with this little one and love her up." Maks said as he guided them out of the bedroom and down the stairs. They got Addie in her seat and headed over to the doctor's. They sat for what felt like forever while they waited for their turn.

"Adeline Chmerkovskiy." The nurse called. Maks stood and took Peta's hand as they followed back to their room.

"Hello, I'm Angela." She introduced herself.

"I'm Maks, this is Peta, and this here is MIss Addie." Maks rambled.

"She is definitely super precious and so adorable. Nice to meet you miss Addie." Angela said fawning over the tiny girl who was nestled into her mother. "Okay now so this is her first check up and her first set of shots. We're going to go over all the basics and we'll do the shots very last. And there will also be a time for you if you have any questions okay?"

"Okay." Peta said softly as she swayed with Addie.

"Alright, so we need to do her height, weight, and temperature, then doctor Dr. Cress will do the rest of the physical. For my part though I need you to take everything off her. Then for Dr. Cress's part she can be in her diaper, okay?"

"Alright." Maks said as he helped Peta get Addie undressed. She was pretty calm for now but fussed some when they moved her to the scale and then began to wail when they did her temperature.

"Okay you go back to Momma sweetheart. Dr. Cress will be in in about 10 minutes guys." Angela said apologetically.

"Shhhhhh." Peta said as she gently rocked Addie back and forth.

"It's alright Addie girl, Momma and Papa are right here. We're almost done with the yucky doctor visit for awhile." Maks said as he ran his hand down her back as well. Finally they calmed her down and that's when Dr. Cress came in.

"Hello you two, it's nice to see you again and Mrs. Addie. Well isn't she growing. And by the numbers that I saw from Angela's tests she's now 10 pounds 7 ounces, and 21 inches long. She's still a tiny little thing but she is growing right on track. Would it be alright if I took her and did her physical?" Dr. Cress asked gently. Peta reluctantly handed Addie over slightly thankful that they had picked such a warm friendly doctor. She moved her body back into Maks's and found his hand. Dr. Cress did her exam and asked them questions as she went along. They answered everything and finally she was finished with the exam.

"Well as far as I can see she's doing perfect. She's growing and everything seems to be developing on point. Her neck muscles are going to be developing a lot in the next few months so really work on tummy time and let her explore that. Even if it's just for a minute or so a few times a day. Eventually she'll learn to hold her neck up and it will be less frustrating to her."

"Okay, anything else we should be watching for?" Maks asked.

"No, that's about it. She should slowly start spreading out her naps and eating but that will progress over time as well. And now is the part you're both dreading I'm sure."

"We are." Maks said softly as Angela came back in the room.

"We're going to do these at the same time. That way she's not having to deal with one after another. As soon as we give them to her you guys can get her." Dr. Cress said sympathetically. They got the shots ready and each gave her the shot. The second that the needle went in Addie let out an awful scream. Peta's grip on Maks's hand became even more fierce if that was possible. Then they both stepped back and Dr. Cress nodded for Maks and Peta to get her.

"Hey, hey hey, it's all over sweet pea. Momma has you." Peta said as she scooped up Addie. Maks was listening to Dr. Cress's wrap up in the meantime. Finally they were able to get out of there and get Addie home.

Later that evening they were settled on the porch. Addie tucked into Peta with Maks's arm around her as well. She had done well considering but the idea of being away from or off either of her parents was unthinkable. And after the day both of them didn't mind. So that's how they found themselves for the evening, curled up on the swing, thankful that the day was over and that Addie was healthy and growing just as she should be.

**I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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