Lions, Tigers, & Bears, Oh My!

667 22 12

Addie - 6 Years
Clara - 4 weeks
Sophie - 8 Years

"Momma, momma." Peta woke up to a soft whisper next to her as Addie gently shook her mother's arm.

"Yes sweet pea?" She said with a yawn.

"It's zoo day! And the sun isn't here yet but I'm excited. Can I snuggle with you please? I'll be super quiet incase Clara wakes up." Addie said sweetly.

"Well it's not so much that you wake up Clara but that Clara wakes up you baby but yes, just this once you can snuggle with us. Not all the time though remember?"

"I know momma. I have to be a big girl cause Clara is little and still needs extra tention, right?"

"Exactly, come here snuggle monster." Peta said helping her daughter climb into the bed. She snuggled into her mother and giggled some.

"I'll be a big girl but I still like my snuggles with you and Papa, Momma." Addie said as Peta began to play with her hair just like Addie liked.

"And we'll never make you give those up sweet pea. We love them too." Peta said kissing her head.

"Good. Love you Momma." Addie said with a yawn.

"Love you too baby. Close your eyes and when you wake up it'll be almost zoo time."

"K Momma, can I help you get Clara ready?" She murmured.

"Definitely." Peta said pulling her in a little closer and feeling her drift off. She leaned up and saw that Clara was still sleeping peacefully.

"I'll get up when Clara wakes up next." Maks murmured into her back surprising her slightly. She didn't realize he was awake for any of that.

"Thanks handsome."

"Love you." He mumbled and she knew he was already back asleep so after a few minutes of enjoying some family cuddles Peta drifted off as well.


Maks woke up the next morning to Addie's quiet whispers next to his wife. He didn't hear her voice so he wasn't sure who Addie was talking too. He lifted his head up and saw her standing next to Clara's bassinet talking to her softly.

"And we'll see lions, tigers, bears, and things that may seem scary cause you're so little but don't worry, they'll be far behind the fences and the glass. They can't get us." She continued to whisper to her softly. Maks couldn't see what Clara was doing but he assumed she was listening to her sister. So far she loved when her sister talked to her. She always laid there quietly listening to whatever she had to say. Not that she wasn't a quite baby but she was curious as far as babies go. However whenever Addie was talking to her she just laid there listening to her sister. Peta had deemed it the sweetest thing and it really was. He lifted up a little more and saw that his wife was still sleeping so he untangled himself from her grasp and moved out of the bed.

"Good morning Addie Girl. Good morning little one." Maks said as he bent down next to Addie.

"Morning papa." Addie said giving him a hug.

"You wanna help me change Clara and give her her bottle? We'll let Momma sleep a little longer since it's zoo day."

"Yes please." Addie said and Maks lifted her up as well as Clara from her bassinet. He carried them to Clara's room so he could change her.

"So you were telling Clara about the zoo huh?"

"Yeah, I woke up and she was already awake. She wasn't crying though but I didn't want her to be lonely so I thought I'd talk to her."

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