**New** Say You Wont Let Me Go

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For miss iamabbyleigh ! Thank you for rocking the patience on waiting for this one! I hope you love it.

Addie - Age - 11 Years old
Clara - Age - 5 Years Old
Anya - Age - 4 Years Old

"Aunt Sharna, what do you need me to do now?" Addie asked her aunt.

"Umm, can you grab me the baskets right there, we're going to start washing all these clothes." Sharna said in response. She was just heading into her 34th week of her pregnancy with her 2nd child to Noah. Addie had come to help her aunt get some things ready while Peta kept Clara and Anya at their house.

"Yup!" Addie said as she found the stack of laundry baskets that her aunt was talking about and brought them over. She immediately began to put the piles of clothes that they had sorted into the different baskets.

"Thanks baby, alright, let's take one basket down and we'll start it and then we'll have lunch, sound good?"

"Yup, I'll carry it for you, okay?" Addie said warningly to her aunt.

"Alright miss. I see your mom and Uncle Noah gave you instructions huh?" Sharna said ruffling her hair as she waited for Addie to follow her down the stairs. They got the first load of baby clothes started and Addie ran up to grab another basket while Sharna attempted to figure out lunch.

"What do you need me to do Aunt Sharna?" Addie said appearing in the kitchen. Sharna's pregnancy was high risk because of her age. They were monitoring her blood pressure because when she had developed pre-eclampsia when she had Anya. Everything had gone smoothly but they just wanted to make sure nothing happened again. Addie had become her helper because they were all forcing her to rest as much as possible which was hard for the stubborn red-head however her niece was usually the best at getting her to do things.

"Well, we need to decide what we want?"

"Does Mason want anything special?" Addie said with a grin. Sharna and Noah had found out they were having a little boy at their 20 week appointment. After some discussion they had decided on the name Mason Andrew.

"No, he still really likes cheese though." Sharna said smiling. Cheese had been her main craving during this pregnancy which had been much easier than her one with Anya. Anya her morning sickness was basically all day sickness which lasted basically the whole pregnancy. Sharna actually lost weight during her pregnancy with Anya.

"How about nachos? I can make them and you can watch."

"You're not going to let me be standing are you sugar?"

"Nope, you sit. You need to rest. I don't want anything to happen to you like with Mom." Addie said giving her aunt a look. Poor girl had dealt with the horrors of pregnancy and birth before she was even old enough to understand. With the exception of Anya, any birth Addie had been aware of had ended in a hectic scary experience. It had left the 11 year old pretty scarred for the experience in the future.

"We're safe sugar. I promise. But thank you for helping me and taking care of me. I can't believe how old you are." Sharna said getting teary eyed. Addie smiled at her aunt and left her be. She was used to the hormones at this point considering that she was pretty much at her Aunt's house helping 5 out of the 7 days of the week. Sharna, Noah, Peta, and Maks kept telling her that she didn't have to spend her whole summer there helping but Addie insisted so they let her help out when she could. Sharna and Noah had just started putting a few dollars away each day she helped out and were going to give it to her at the end of summer as a surprise. Most days it was help with Anya around the house but sometimes on days like today Peta took her niece so Sharna and Addie could prepare for Mason's arrival.

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