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For Miss amelia124567 I hope you love it :-)

Addie - Age - 10 Months

"Okay sweet pea, Momma and Papa are going to take you Aunt Kelly & Uncle Val's and you're going to spend the night with them and Sophie and Momma and Papa are going to pick you up in the morning." Peta said as she rocked Addie after she had finished her afternoon bottle. That evening Maks and Peta were going to have their first night alone without Adeline in the house. After their first date they had went on a few more and finally they decided they were ready to try this. They hadn't had an intimate night together since before she was born and they were both more than ready. That didn't mean Peta wasn't slightly nervous about having Addie away from her for the night. She knew Addie would be more than safe though and she would have a great time and be back with her parents the next morning.

"Did momma decide what she wanted to do tonight?" Maks said appearing in the doorway. He had left it up to her to decide what she wanted to do for the evening.

"Would you be opposed to take out and just some us time here? I know it sounds boring but I selfishly miss time relaxing here with just the two of us." She said as Addie started to nod off in her arms.

"Definitely not opposed to that at all, any specific place you want take out from pretty girl?" He asked as he watched Addie nuzzle in before giving off that sigh that she was really asleep.

"Italian and wine." She winked at him as she stood up to put Addie in her crib. She covered her with her blankie and put her daughter's favorite bunny with in reach of her. She flipped on the monitor and they headed out.

"Our usual Italian place?" Maks asked as they stood in the hallway.

"Yeah, you mind ordering? I need to shower and that before miss wakes up and we need to take her over to your brother's." Peta said as they headed to their bedroom.

"Nope I don't mind, what do you want?"

"Eggplant parm with a salad with their house dressing please." She said as she headed into their bathroom.

"Alright, I'll tell them 6:30. That'll give us time to drop Addie off and then go to the wine store before picking up the food." He said letting her go shower then as he called in the food.

A few hours later they were finishing up their dinner and were curled up on the swing together just resting quietly.

"You know, I love our life and Addie to pieces but I have missed this." Peta said pressing a kiss to her husband's chest as his fingers ran up and down her arm.

"I agree. I think now that she's older, well not older but she's doing better through the night and napping easier on her own, we need to try to make sometime for us." Maks said as his lips rested on Peta's head.

"We do. I mean I don't want to miss out on things with her but we do need some time for us. Even if it's just this." She said softly.

"Right, which I think we're ready to balance that.....so I have a proposition." Maks said as his hand slipped down and rested on her hip.

"And what would that be?" Peta asked curiously.

"Would you be willing to take a bath with me?" He asked as his thumb slipped under her top and coasted along the soft skin of her hip causing her to shiver.

"I think I could handle that. We don't tend to behave well in the bath though." She said looking up at him with a sultry look.

"That's my plan. We've ate, we've relaxed, and now I want to show my wife just how much I love her." Maks said leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers.

"I think she'd be happy to take part in that." Peta said winking at him. They headed into the house and headed up to their room after Maks locked up. He found some of the candles he had stashed up there earlier and placed them around the bathroom and bedroom lighting them. Peta found some soft music and hooked her phone up to their speakers before heading into the bathroom. Maks was filing the tub and added some bubbles to it before pulling his shirt off. Peta stood in the doorway admiring her husband as he undressed.

"Come here." He said holding his hand out to her. He pulled her over to him and began to undress her as well before moving them into the bath. She nestled back into him feeling all of him against her and she knew she wasn't going to last long in this bath. She felt his hand begin to trace patterns on her stomach and her breath hitched in her throat. He felt her and moved his hand lower to trace her thighs gently. She groaned and moved her hand to stroke his as well.

"Maks...I won't make it long." She said breathily as they both continued to feel each other up.

"Shhh, I know, just let me take care of you first." He said softly nipping her ear. She took a deep breath and grabbed his hand stopping him.

"No, it's been too long. I want the first time again to be together okay?" She said bringing his hand up to her mouth to press a kiss to his palm.

"Alright, in here?" He asked kissing her neck.

"Let's try." She said as her eyes fell shut when he continued his assault on her neck. She knew damn well that she didn't want to wait for them to move and she thanked the world that they had opted to get such a large tub when they moved into this house. His hand slipped down between her thighs again as she reached back and stroked him lightly. He groaned at her actions and quickly figured out how to flip her so he could have access to her mouth. It took some figuring but they finally got themselves into a position that would work for them.

"Ready?" He asked as he pressed another kiss to her lips and then moving to her neck.

"Yes....just easy." She said between breaths.

"I love you." He said as he lifted her hips and then slowly entered her. He felt her breath hitch as she bit down on his collarbone which turned him on even further. He kept still though until he felt her wiggle some letting him know she was okay.

"I love you too." She said pressing her lips to his as they began to move against each other, the water filling the space in between them and rushing away as they came back together. Peta was right in saying she wouldn't last long and felt herself begin to build up immediately as she kept her mouth on his. He could feel it too and shifted and felt her release begin immediately.

"Maks...." She panted as her lips slipped from his and she rested on his shoulder as she rode out her waves. Her breaths on his neck as well as feeling her release soon triggered him and he followed her quickly. They spent the next few minutes laying there catching their breaths before deciding to shower off and move to their bed. They spent the rest of the night reconnecting and loving each other before morning came and it was time to get Addie who was excited to see her parents but had done very well with her aunt, uncle and cousin. It was safe to say that more date nights in the future would be planned.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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