First Christmas

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Addie - Age - 6 Months

"She asleep?" Maks whispered as he came in the room to check on Peta and Addie. It had been Peta's turn to do their bedtime routine with the little girl and it had taken some extra time so Maks decided to check on them.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about the holidays and how this was her first one. Sorry I kinda got lost in that handsome." Peta said smiling weakly at Maks as she stood up. She settled Addie down in her crib and covered her with her blankie and put her bunny close to her. She had recently became very attached to the bunny Sophie had given her and when she couldn't find it in her sleep she let it be known to her parents.

"It's alright pretty girl. Let's go sit for a bit before she decides to wake up again." He said as he leaned down to press a kiss to Addie's head. He hit Addie's nightlight to keep playing for a bit before flipping on the monitor and leading Peta out of the door. He led them down to their room where they both got ready for bed and snuggled in together.

"Sooooo.......I know you don't really celebrate Christmas but can we do it with Addie? Please?" Peta said softly. "We'll still do all of your traditions and everything but it would be so much fun with her, the tree, the lights, the celebrating. I mean it's okay if you don't want too but I just think she'd love it or well she will once she's older but she'll even love it now. She would be so excited with the lights on the tree. And then...."

"Whoa pretty girl." Maks said laughing at Peta's adorable ramble.

"Sorry." She said sheepishly.

"None of that. You just didn't give me a chance to answer that's all." He said pressing a kiss to her head.

"Oh, I guess I didn't. So what do you think?" She said as she played with the drawstring on his pants. He put his hand over hers stilling it.

"I think if you don't stop that we're going to have a problem. But I think it's a good idea. I think we can make our own traditions and keep our old ones and add new ones with her."

"Seriously?!" Peta asked looking at him.

"Seriously. Let's go take her to get a tree tomorrow." He said pressing a kiss to her lips.

"Thank you!!!" She said kissing him again as he snuggled her into him so they could sleep. The next morning they woke up and got Addie ready for the day before they headed out to find their first family Christmas tree. After some discussion they decided they were going to go with a fake one just because in the future they may not always be at home for the holidays. And they could keep it up longer and enjoy it. They finally found a nice simple tree that already had lights on it and found some gorgeous ornaments to hang on it as well as finding some special ones to mark their first year as a family as well as Addie's first Christmas.

"Let's get her down for her nap and then we can put it up. I know she's little but I want her to be awake when we decorate." Peta said cheerily. Maks agreed and he took Addie to put her down for her nap while Peta attempted to figure out where the tree would go. Finally two hours later, they had the tree up and lit just as Addie was waking up.

"I'll get her." Peta said smiling. Maks dimmed the lights in the sitting room so the tree would have a better effect.

"Here sweet pea, Papa and I have a surprise for you." Peta said as she carried the little girl down the steps as she clutched her bunny. She was still sleepy from her nap but was listening to Peta's words. Maks watched for them to walk around the corner and saw Addie's face light up when she saw the twinkling tree. She picked her head up from Peta's chest and looked at Peta and Maks before grinning at the tree.

"That's our Christmas tree, Addie girl." Maks said moving over to them. Addie giggled in delight which made both of her parents melt. They spent the rest of the night letting Addie try to put ornaments on the tree and enjoying the time together as a family. Over the next few weeks they did some other activities with her, a gingerbread house, Christmas cookies, and a Christmas countdown. Most of those were more for Maks and Peta this year but they knew in the future she'd love them.

Finally it was Christmas morning. Peta decided that she was more excited than Addie was which was expected considering Addie had no idea what was going on. They had gotten her a stocking and then a few gifts for this year just for the fun of it considering she had no idea what was going on.

"Merry Christmas baby." Peta said as they entered her room Christmas morning once they heard her wake up. She stretched her arms up wanting her morning cuddles.

"Merry Christmas Addie girl." Maks said as he scooped her up and she buried her face into his chest. He laughed as he snuggled her and Peta pressed a kiss to her head. They let her snuggle for a little bit longer before getting her changed and taking her down to have breakfast. They had breakfast and then took her in to see her presents which ended up just being the boxes.

"I'm glad we put these together last night." Maks said as Addie enjoyed her new play center. It had a bunch of different pieces to connect to it so she could sit at it and play and then when she was older they could lift it and buy older things for her to play with or turn it into a coloring station for her. Her stocking had been filled with a new set of blocks that she adored and she was extremely pleased with being allowed to pull the wrapping paper off her boxes.

"I think this was a success." Peta said as she rested into Maks as they watched Addie play.

"I think so too pretty girl. Best idea yet." He said pressing a kiss to her lips before they moved over to play with Addie for the rest of the morning.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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