Questions & Decisions

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For Miss 123Janae123 who has been not so patiently waiting for this update ever since she found out I started it. I hope it was well worth your wait! Love ya girl! Also for amelia124567 & stefanie_brito, both of your requests played big roles in this update. I hope you both enjoy as well

Addie - Age - 5 Years Old

Addie had been in Kindergarten for a month now and was doing great. No longer did she panic when they dropped her off but now she went in with a huge grin and a wave goodbye. And every afternoon when they picked her up she was ready and excited with lots of stories about her day. Today was no exception.

"Hi Momma! Hi Papa! You both are picking me up today?" Addie said excitedly as she bounced into the car with some help from Peta. Normally one of them picked her up and brought her back to the studio while the classes finished. Neither of them had classes past 2 on any of the days but she got out at 12:30 so she did spend some time there. She never minded though all the teachers and staff loved her so she was never bored.

"Yup sweet pea. Both Papa and I were done with our classes for the day so we figured we'd surprise you. Good surprise?" Peta asked as she got back into her seat and buckled up.

"Yes! And I have something I need to talk to you and Papa about."

"What's up Addie girl?" Maks asked as he began to drive them home.

"Well Grace was talking about her little brother today and how much fun she has playing with him and how they do everything together and it's fun. Well she said most of the time it's fun but sometimes they fight. So I decided that I need a little sister. Can I have one for Christmas please? I know it's a big thing but I won't ask for anything else." She rambled quickly looking back and forth between her parents for any signs that she may get what she wanted. Peta inhaled sharply at her question as her head immediately began to spin. Maks caught her reaction and knew this one was up to him.

"Well baby, that's not really something you can ask for for Christmas. It doesn't work that way."

"But Papa, why not?" Addie asked innocently. Maks sighed as he tried to come up with an accurate reasoning for a smart 5 year old.

"Well because that's something that Momma and Papa have to talk about and decide on. And we can't just make it happen. A little sister or a brother for that matter takes some time and a whole bunch of other things to be involved. And there's lots Momma and Papa would have to talk about and think about. It's a bunch of grown up stuff baby. I understand what you're asking but it's not something we can promise you like when you asked for your bike last year. It just doesn't work that way."

"Papa, but well then why can't you and Momma talk and decide that I can have a little sister."

"Baby, I think it's time we stopped talking about this one for now." Maks said gently seeing Peta wasn't faring well with this conversation.

"But Papa."

"Adeline Jane." He said sharply.

"Maks." Peta said softly when she realized her husband just snapped at the little girl. He sighed. He hadn't meant to be mean and well he really hadn't been but Peta wasn't a fan of either of them yelling at Addie and normally it wasn't an issue since she was pretty well behaved. She sometimes just got on a kick and continued on with it.

"I'm sorry Papa." Addie said softly from the backseat.

"It's alright baby. I know you're excited but it's just something really big and sometimes we can't keep asking about things because the answers don't change. So if Momma or Papa tell you you need to wait on something or to stop talking about it we need you to listen okay?"

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