**New** Better Place

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For Miss stefanie_brito thank you for everything. Always. Love you.

Addie - Age - 7 years old
Clara - Age - 1 year and 5 months

I'll tell the world, I'll sing a song
It's a better place since you came along
Since you came along
Your touch is sunlight through the trees
Your kisses are the ocean breeze
Everything's alright when you're with me
And you're my favorite thing
All the love that you bring
But it feels like I've opened my eyes again
And the colors are golden and bright again
There's a song in my heart, I feel like I belong
It's a better place since you came along
It's a better place since you came along

"What a way to spend Thanksgiving." Peta said softly as her fingers softly ran through her daughter's curls who was curled up on her chest.

"You're not kidding." Maks said softly as he fingered the hospital bracelet on her tiny arm. He felt their other baby stir on the opposite side of his body.

"I'm just glad we're all home finally." Peta said looking over at her husband.

"Me too pretty girl, me too." Maks said shifting his body and pulling his wife closer to him. He tucked her into his chest as he felt her body shudder as the tears came. The past 4 days had been quite an experience for the family. He held her tightly as he thought over the past few weeks.

"Okay, so we're flying into the city on Tuesday, Wednesday we're doing the segment on GMA for the show in the Spring, then Thursday we have the parade with your parents, then dinner with everyone. Friday is just whatever and we fly back Saturday so we can have Addie back to school Monday right?" Peta said looking at her husband for clarification.

"Right. It's going to be a hectic few days but I think it's going to be worth it." Maks said. Somehow his parents had managed to snag tickets to the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for the whole family. Val, Kelly, and Sophie were going as well as their whole family.

"I think so too. I'm not sure how much Clara is going to grasp the parade but I know she's going to love seeing everything." Peta said.

"I think so too. And we'll all be there. She's going to just love that." Maks said.

"She will. Okay, I'm going to pack for the girls and me. Do you need help with anything of yours?" She asked. It was the Sunday before they were leaving and the girls were spending time with Sharna and Noah for a bit so it gave Peta and Maks time to prep. Sharna and Noah had been invited as well but since Anya was only 7 months old, they had decided they weren't ready to fly with her quite yet.

"Are we matching for the interview or for the dinner?" Maks asked. They usually didn't match completely but in the past when they had done interview they had tried to coordinate as well as sometimes with the girls now.

"Umm, how about I'll figure out what the girls are wearing and then we'll go from there. Just skip the interview clothes and Thanksgiving dinner clothes." Peta suggested.

"Alright pretty girl. I'll see you in a bit." Maks said leaning forward to kiss her before they parted ways. They spent the next two hours getting everything packed and ready for the trip. All they had left to do was have the girls pick a few things for the flight as far as entertainment ideas. They headed to pick them up from Sharna and Noah's before bringing them home.

"Hey, Clara was kinda quiet this afternoon." Sharna said to Peta as she helped gather the girls' things as Peta snuggled Anya for a few minutes.

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