I Changed My Mind

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Addie - Age - 5 1/2 years old
Peta - Pregnancy - 15 weeks

"Do we have plans for tonight?" Maks asked Peta as he came outta the shower.

"Not really. Addie should be getting home from Grace's soon. I figured we could see if she maybe wanted to go out for a little bit. They have that movie at the park on the weekends now where they put a huge screen in the park and do the movie. Did you have something you wanted to do?" She asked looking at him from her place on the bed. She had been working on her lesson plans while the house was quiet.

"No, I need to do my plans too but I can do those tomorrow during cartoons."

"Cause it takes you oh so long to do your lesson plans." Peta said laughing.

"Oh shush. I'm sorry I didn't pick the little ones." He said sticking his tongue out.

"Oh don't give me that, you wish you would have. Mr. Maks." Peta teased.

"I like visiting your class and helping. I'll stick to my melo-dramatic teenagers though."

"I'm glad you like em cause I don't know that I'd make it with them. I mean I could but I'll stick to my babies." Peta said smiling as her phone when off.

"Addie?" Maks said as he pulled his t-shirt on and fixed his mess of hair.

"Yup, they'll be dropping her off in a few." Peta said as she starting cleaning up her stuff. She was pretty much done, she just had one more week to do and she could do that tomorrow as well.

"Alrighty. We aren't keeping Grace are we?" Maks asked laughing, not that he minded the shy little girl but he didn't think they were keeping her tonight.

"Nope, they've got some family thing to do tonight or I'm sure Addie wouldn't have been returning now."

"Very true." And with that the doorbell went off and they headed downstairs.

"Hey you!" Maks said opening the door only to have his daughter stalk in past him and try to head to her room.

"Whoa! I'm not sure what's wrong here but you need to at least tell Miss Cecelia thank you." Peta said catching Addie by the arm who gave her mother a look.

"And I suggest you put that look away while you're at it." Maks said. She huffed in response but somehow made her face polite.

"Thank you Miss Cecelia. I had fun playing with Grace."

"You're welcome Miss Addie. We'll have to find another time for you to come back and play with Grace again. Thank you for behaving and playing so well with Grace."

"You're welcome. Can I go to my room now?" Addie asked looking between Maks and Peta.

"Yes." Maks said thrown off but letting her go. She stalked off and they eventually heard her door slam.

"Did something happen?" Peta asked Cecelia.

"Not that I know of. We had an incident with Alex and our plans had to change for the evening but otherwise they had a great day. They made an art project for Grace's room and then they helped me with lunch. I'm sorry guys." Cecelia responded as she shrugged.

"It's alright, we'll talk to her and figure it out. Thanks for having her. We'll have to figure out when Grace can come over soon too." They said their goodbyes and they decided to go check on Addie.

"Hey, Addie, can we come in?" Peta said as she knocked lightly on Addie's door.

"No." She yelled back.

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