Bubbles, Balloons, & Birthdays

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Addie - Age - 1 Year

"Happy Birthday Sweet Pea!" Peta said as she entered her daughter's room the next morning. Maks was following behind her.

"Happy Birthday Addie Girl!" He echoed behind Peta.

"Ma Pa Uhhh" She said lifting her hands up to them wanting to be picked up out of her crib.

"Come here my little one year old." Maks said scooping her and letting her snuggle into him. He gave her a kiss and a squeeze before handing her off to Peta.

"Ohhh, Momma loves you. Let's get your butt changed so we can go have breakfast." Peta said as she snuggled her girl into her.

"Pa-Ca?" She questioned looking at Peta with wide eyes. Peta laughed and looked at her husband.

"You want my pancakes huh?" Maks said standing over Peta reaching down to tickle Addie.

"Yes Yes Peas" She said as she giggled and clapped her hands.

"I think we can have birthday pancakes." Maks said as Peta finished up and they headed down to have special fun-fetti pancakes for Addie's special day. They spent the rest of the morning playing with Addie until it was naptime and they needed to get ready for her party.

"Hey.....we're here!" Sharna yelled as she entered the backyard with Kelly, Sophie, Val, and Paul. They were the prep crew that were going to help get their backyard turned into a birthday wonderland for the snoozing birthday girl upstairs.

"Aunt Eta! It's Addie's birthday!" Sophie said running over to her aunt to give her a hug.

"It is! Are you ready to be my helper?" Peta asked as she scooped her niece up and settled her on her hip.

"I am! And so is Mommy, Daddy, Aunt Sharna, and Uncle Paul! We are all going to be your helpers!" She said excitedly.

"I'm so glad cause we have lots to do."

"Tell us what to do pretty girl." Maks said as he stood next to his wife.

"Can you guys get the tent set up and get the tables and chairs out? Then we can work on decorating?" Peta asked.

"Of course, you still want the table over there?" He asked pressing a kiss to her cheek.

"Yes please." Peta said leaning up to give him a quick kiss as well. She was thankful that when they had bought their house they had made sure to pick one that had a nice backyard. It had taken quite sometime to find one of those in LA but they finally found one a little ways out of town. They were more than happy to take that in exchange for the backyard. So when they started planning her birthday, they decided it would be best to just have it in their yard that way they had all their things there as well.

"Okay, so what do you need us to do?" Sharna said as she moved over next to Peta.

"Let's go get all the decorations and bring them down to the living room. We just have to be quiet so we don't wake her up. We've collected everything in the spare bedroom for the past two weeks."

"Sophie, can you make sure you're super quiet?" Kel asked her daughter. "We can't wake Addie up."

"I won't. I won't make a peep til we're back in the yard Mommy." She said as she reached for Peta's hand. The girls all headed up and collected all the decorations they had found over the weeks. After a lot of thinking on Peta's part she had come up with the a simple theme of bubbles and balloons. She figured at this point that Addie wasn't into anything specific so she just wanted the day to be fun for her little one. So they had gotten decorations in Blue, Purple, Pink and White as well as bubble party favors and many, many balloons. By the time they got everything down the guys had the tent up as well as the tables and chairs. While they moved to get the coolers and drink station ready the girls set to work on decorating the tent.

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