First Steps

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Addie - Age - 11 Months

"You can do it baby! You can......alright, whenever you're ready sweet pea." Peta said laughing as Addie went from holding onto the sofa to straight down on her butt. She had been exploring the walking phase for the last week or so and Maks and Peta were both just waiting for it to happen.

"No dice?" Maks said coming back in with Addie's juice and drinks for them.

"No dice. Although I'm glad since you weren't in here to see it." She said accepting her coffee from him happily.

"Well yeah." He said laughing as he settled down on the floor next to her.

"Pa pa?" Addie said as she scrambled over to him climbing into his lap.

"Yes miss Addie girl?" He asked her helping her get settled in his lap.

"Uh-g." She said sweetly looking at him.

"You want a hug, huh? I think I can handle that." He said smiling and scooping her up into his arms. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed. She burst into giggles as he tickled her sides.

"Ma ma ma!" She shrieked.

"Come here sweet pea. I'll save you!" She said scooping her baby up off Maks and settling her in her lap wrapping her arms around her.

"Paaaa" Addie said teasingly from her safety in Peta's lap.

"I'm going to get you." Maks teased.

"No no no!" She shrieked. Peta suddenly got an idea. She slide back a bit a ways from Maks so there was some distance between them.

"I think you should get Papa, sweetheart." Peta said standing her up in front of her, holding onto her hands.

"Ge Pa?" Addie questioned. Maks realized what Peta was doing and turned his body to hopefully catch his baby.

"Yeah, you go get Papa and tickle him, ok?"

"K." She said giggling realizing what she was going to do. Peta helped her take the first few steps but then let go of one hand. Addie looked at her alarmed and Peta steadied her again.

"Go ahead baby, get Papa." Peta encouraged. She started to move forward again teetering slightly having only one hand of Peta's. Finally she couldn't reach Peta and get to Maks anymore and let go and moved the two steps before collapsing into Maks's lap in a fit of giggles.

"You did it Addie girl!" Maks said as he picked her up and tickled her.

"Pa!" She said laughing. Maks looked across at Peta and saw her big grin but that her eyes were full of tears.

"I think you need to go give Momma a hug Addie girl." Maks said as he showed her Peta.

"Ma Ma Ug-h?" She questioned Peta.

"I would love a hug baby." Peta said smiling. Maks helped her stand up again and did like Peta did allowing her to hold on to his hands and letting go as she got farther. She was much more sure of herself this time and didn't hesitate but landed safely in Peta's lap.

"Ug-h Momma!" She said throwing her arms around her mother's neck.

"You're getting so big sweet pea. I'm so proud of you." Peta said kissing her check while Addie smiled happily.

"Gin Ma gin?" She cheered.

"Okay, you go get Papa again." Peta said helping her once more. They spent the next 1/2 hour letting Addie make her way back and forth between the two of them getting a little bit more sure with each pass. Eventually she wore out and crashed between her parents for her morning nap. They both curled up on the couch with her enjoying the day and her accomplishment that morning.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought!Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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