Making It To The Top

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Addie - Age - 5 Years Old

A few weeks after their epic fight found Maks and Peta sitting in Dr. Alta's waiting room as they waited for their names to be called. The morning after the fight, the two had talked some more. Maks wanted to make sure that Peta knew that as much as he would love to have another child with her, he didn't want to push this on her. Especially because it involved her health and a lot of fears that were there for good reason. Peta assured him that she knew that and that she had thought about it some more that morning and that she agreed that seeing Dr. Alta couldn't hurt anything. So they made the appointment and that's how they found themselves there that morning waiting their turn.

Peta's knee was bouncing intensely as she was jittery about the appointment. She wasn't sure what outcome she wanted to come out of this but she knew she did want some answers. Maks sat next to her watching her out of the corner of his eye. Finally she caught him watching her and gave him a soft smile. He leaned over and pressed a kiss to her temple as their names were called.

"Come on pretty girl." He said as he held his hand out to her as they both stood up. She gripped on to him tightly as they both were led back to the room.

"Alright so since you two are only here to speak with Dr. Alta, we're not going to be doing any tests or checking you at all today, Peta. You two can wait in here and Dr. Alta will be in shortly. She was just finishing up with the patient before you two. Good luck." Lucy said as she showed them into their room. The room was set up a little different than the regular exam room. There was a long sofa seat and two other large arm chairs.

"The talking room." Peta said as they were left alone.

"At least you're not sitting on an exam table." Maks quipped trying to loosen the nervous energy in the room.

"I will say I do appreciate that." She said smiling slightly.

"On the couch?" He asked her, not really sure where they should sit.

"Yeah. Hand?" She said softly as they got themselves settled.

"Always." He said as he wrapped one arm around the back of the couch so that it rested gently against her shoulders. He used the other to clasp her hand in his. Dr. Alta came in then.

"Why hello you two! How are you doing today?" She said as she came in and smiled at one of her favorite couples.

"We're doing good. How about you?" Maks asked the friendly doctor.

"I'm doing great. So what can I help you guys with today?"Maks looked at Peta trying to determine if she wanted him to talk or not. She caught his eye and gave him a slight nod that gave him the go ahead to explain.

"Okay, so we're just looking at options right now but we've recently been thinking about adding to our family. We would like to do it the natural but Peta and I both have fears and concerns due to everything that happened last time. We know that was of no one's fault but we just want to know the likeliness of that happening again because as much as we would like to expand our family, Peta's health and safety is most as important as would be the same case if she was pregnant, the baby's health would be just as important as well."

"Alright, I can definitely work with that. Now like you said it was honestly nothing that could have been prevented. Now in the future the same thing could happen again or it could not. What I would do this time if you got pregnant, would be recommend the c-section. We would schedule it and then everything would be a more controlled environment. And we can also use different types of medicine for the numbing aspect of the surgery since we know you reacted badly to this one. Because what happened last time was just this. When we gave you the epidural everything was good and moving along well, the longer the epidural stayed in you the more it affected you which then made you sick and caused you to vomit. That is what in turn affected Addie because with the vomiting and pain returning your blood pressure spiked because your body wasn't prepared for all of that at once. So like I said this time what I would do is have you schedule the c-section. It would just be a safer environment and we'd be able to keep a better eye on you and your baby."

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