**New ** Turning Tables

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For my miss stefanie_brito , I loveeee you!

Addie - Age - 5 1/2 Years Old
Peta - Pregnancy - 17 Weeks

"Okay, so we have Addie's Valentine's Day play Thursday and our appointment on Friday right?" Maks said as he was looking over their class schedule. It was Monday and they were both in their office at the studio in between classes. They needed to get fill ins for their classes that overlapped these things and apparently they had waited til the last minute to do so.

"Right, and Shar can't fill in for the day of the play because Addie invited her to the play." Peta explained before Maks stated that idea.

"And Val is out for mine because Soph's is after Addie's and they told her they'd come to hers too." Maks stated.

"Now what?" Peta asked looking at her husband.

"Well I'll put it out to the other teachers. We'll see. Worst case we'll have to reschedule. We told all our students that there was always a possibility for this to happen but that we would do it as little as possible."

"Yeah, I just don't like doing that but you're right we have no other options. And it's just this once." Peta said nodding.

"Right. It's almost time to get Addie, you want me to go?" Maks asked. They both had one last class that day so whoever would get her would just bring her back with them for awhile.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to go over my lesson plans for those days and just make sure they are good. The Thursday class is the 3 year olds so I don't want to leave whoever just hanging."

"Alright pretty girl. I'm going to go get our girl and then we'll be back." Maks said standing up to give Peta a kiss before heading out. Peta got lost in the world of lesson plans until she heard the office door open and in bounded Addie with Maks behind her.

"Momma!" Addie said crashing into her mom's legs hugging them.

"Hi sweet pea. How was your day at school?" Peta said pulling her up into her lap. She looked up at Maks to see if there was anything going on and noticed the worried expression on his face. She looked at him curiously and he shook his head in response.

"I'll tell you later." He mouthed. Peta looked confused but nodded her head and returned to listening to Addie.

"And Friday is only 3 school days away now which means it's 4 sleeps. Then it's Valentines day play day and you get to come to my school." Addie rambled in excitement.

"Baby, your play is on Thursday." Peta said softly realizing why Maks looked so worried.

"No Momma. It's on Friday. Mrs. Callie said we was going to do it on Valentines Day but they picked Friday cause it's Friday and then it's the weekend. So it's like an extra fun day."

"Alright baby, you're right. I got confused there for a second."

"It's 'kay momma. Papa was confused in the car too. Everyone is still coming right? Aunt Sharna, Uncle Val, & Aunt Kelly?"

"I think so sweet pea. I need to double check that Aunt Sharna wasn't confused too and that she knows it's on Friday."

"You don't think she was confused and then is going to miss it do you?" Addie asked suddenly worried.

"I'm not sure baby. Don't worry though. If she is we'll get it all figured out." Peta said pressing a kiss to her head.

"Momma is right Addie girl, don't worry, we'll make sure everyone sees it." Maks said moving over to Peta's desk to stand closer to his girls.

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