A Camping We Will Go

507 20 4

Rian - 16
Addie & Grace - 8
Clara - 3
Anya - 2

"Okay sweetheart, you listen to Maks and Peta and you know you can call us at anytime." Cecelia said as she was telling Grace goodbye.

"I know mom. I'll be good. Miss Peta said I can call you every night and Aunt Sharna said they are there for me if I get homesick." Grace said.

"Alright baby, tell daddy and Alex bye." Cecelia said as she worried.

"She'll be good Celia. We have so much planned for them. And Rian is coming too. And Sharna, she's always been a little closer with Sharna." Peta said trying to sooth her friend.

"I know and I trust you guys, it's just, it's her first trip away and it's 10 days P. What if she's miserable?"

"We'll figure it out, I promise."

"Mommy, you're turn." Grace said appearing next to her mother.

"Alright baby." Cecelia said pulling her in tight. She talked to her for a few moments before finally pulling back. She kissed her baby a few more times before they said their goodbyes.

"You okay Gracie girl?" Peta asked checking on the little girl. She was standing quietly after her parents had left. Addie was near her as well as Clara but Peta just wanted to make sure she wasn't freaking out like Cecelia.

"Yeah, I'm a little nervous but I'm excited to go camping with everyone. Thank you." Grace said smiling. It was summer break and the families had decided to take a camping trip to celebrate Peta & Sharna's birthday. At first everyone was thrown off by the idea of the camping aspect but they researched for awhile and found a resort that had a lot of fun things as well as a beach. After a lot of talking, they had agreed to let Addie bring Grace for the 10 day trip. It was going to be the first time Grace was away from her parents for that long and for that amount of distance.

"Okay, everyone's bags are in the car." Maks said appearing in the doorway. Once Greg & Cecelia had arrived with Grace, Maks had started loading up the car with everyone's things. Their flight was set to leave in 3 hours so they needed to head to the airport.

"Alright girls, go to the bathroom please." Peta said sending Addie & Grace off.

"Come on little one." Maks said scooping Clara up as well so he could make sure she went too. Peta did a final sweep of the house making sure they hadn't forgotten anything.

"Momma?" Addie asked once they were in the car and heading to the airport.

"Yes sweet pea?"

"Are we meeting Aunt Sharna & Uncle Noah there?"

"There as in the camp or the airport?"

"Ummm....well when do we get to see Rian?" Addie decided that was a better question.

"In about 1 hour." Peta said.

"Yessss!" Addie & Grace cheered. Peta laughed and slipped her hand into Maks's as they put some music on for the kids. The airport was always a fun experience as they got all the luggage checked and then through security meeting Sharna, Noah, Rian, & Anya on the opposite side near the gate. Addie and Grace immediately glued to Rian as they sat talking about the things they could do.

"Alright, bathroom time." Sharna said as she stood up realizing it was nearly time for their flight to leave. She gathered Anya while Peta collected Clara and then all the girls went before swapping with the guys.

"Okay, girls, we need to know who you're sitting with." Peta started.

"Rian!" They both exclaimed quickly.

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