Auntie Sharna and Uncle Paul

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This is for dwts_lover ! Thank you for the support. And for reading, liking, and review all the time. I hope you love this!

Addie - Age - 2 Days

They had survived the night with minimum craziness. Addie had woken up every few hours to eat but as long as she was snuggled with one of her parents she was good. She just didn't like being away from either of them and quite frankly they were okay with that.

"I really hope they send us home today." Peta said as she watched Maks change Addie.

"I do too well as long as you're healthy. I wanna be able to take her home and be at our house with her. It's just more comfortable there."

"I agree. And our bed and our shower. And the swing. I want the swing." She said with a slightly frustrated tone.

"Soon babe soon." Maks finished up Addie and carried her back over to Peta. He laid her in her  momma's arms.

"Oooh, my clean sweet pea. Now you're all happy. Tell Daddy to sit with us." Peta said as she looked up at her husband. He smiled and settled next to the two. They both sat and played and talked with Addie until there was a knock on the door.

"How is everyone in here?" Dr. Alta said as she entered the room.

"We're doing good but we'll be doing better if you tell us we can go home." Peta said teasingly as she smiled.

"Well, I'm afraid I'm not going to be your favorite person then. I'm sorry guys but Peta your numbers haven't improved enough to send you home today. So I'm going to have to keep you here for an extra day. I do believe by tomorrow you'll be good enough to go home as long as you get rest and try to stay off your feet as much as possible."

"Okay, I can promise that." Peta said begrudgingly.

"I'm sorry Peta. It's for the best though. I know you'd rather be at home but we just want to ensure you're as healthy as possible. I will tell you that I'll lift you're bed rest here though. I still don't want you up a lot but you can sit in the chair or walk for a tiny bit. If you start feeling weak or anything you need to sit back down. Maks, I'm putting you in charge of keeping her in line."

"You know me, Dr. Alta. I'll keep her sitting and doing what she is supposed to be."

"Thanks. Okay, now let's check this little one." Dr. Alta laid Adeline on the bed and checked over her making sure everything seemed good and that. She talked to Peta and Maks about how the night went and how she was eating. "It seems like she's doing great so far. No affects from the quick delivery and everything. So do you two have any other questions?"

"Nope, I think we're good, right pretty girl?" Maks answered for them as Peta nodded. She was cuddling Adeline back up since was none too pleased to have been away from her parents and undressed as well. So she was soothing her baby.

"Okay, I'll leave you guys to it then. I'll be in in the morning to release you both and we'll talk then. If you have any questions feel free to let the nurses know and they'll help you or get in touch with me if needed. You both have a good day."

"You too." They both replied.

"Sorry pretty girl." Maks said sitting next to her and wrapping his arm around her.

"It's fine. I mean I know it's for the best but I'm ready for our house. At least I can look forward for it tomorrow though." She said but Maks could tell she was still none too thrilled about it.

"I know but still. I'm going to text everyone and let them know okay?" He said standing back up to get his phone. He had an idea to cheer her up. Hopefully it would work out. After he did all his texting he went back over and sat with her. They returned to spending time with Addie and sitting together.

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