ABC's & 123's

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Addie - Age - 5 years old

"Babe, we need to talk." Maks said as he settled down next to Peta on the couch. They had just tucked Adeline into bed after reading to her.

"Is everything alright?" Peta said looking at him alarmed and nervous.

"Yes, sorry pretty girl. It's nothing bad. I just know you're not going to like the topic."


"Yeah. You wanna talk in here or on the swing?"

"Umm well then, let's go with the swing."

"Come on." Maks said taking her by the hand and leading her outside. The night air had a cool chill to the air so he grabbed the throw blanket they kept out there and tossed it over her legs as he settled down next to her.


"Kindergarten." Maks said softly.

"No." Peta said adamantly.

"Babe, we have to send her. We can't keep putting this decision off. Especially if we want her to go where Val and Kel sent Sophie. Their enrollment period starts and ends soon. And we already know it's a great school and the teachers are nice and it's well kept and the students are safe."

"She's my baby." Peta said quietly.

"I know. She's my baby too but sweetheart, she's growing up. We have to let her have this experience. And you know she'll do great." Maks said slipping his arm around her.

"But she'd be away from us all day. We don't ever do that. Not with strangers."

"Well we can pick the half day kindergarten. We can take her in the morning and we can both schedule all our classes early. Then we're free to pick her up and spend time with her still in the afternoon and evening."

"Maks." Peta said softly knowing her husband was right. She just wasn't ready to admit that her little girl was almost ready for school.

"I know pretty girl, trust me, I know." Maks said as he held her.

"Fine. We can call tomorrow. But after we talk to her first. We can't just throw this at her." Peta said.

"Alright. Tomorrow. After breakfast we'll talk to her then call. Deal?"

"Deal." Peta said as she burrowed into Maks's chest. He held her tighter as they both sat their quietly thinking about their baby girl in there who was growing up.


One morning Peta woke up to a tapping on her arm.

"Momma, momma." She heard a little whisper. She peaked her eye open to see Addie standing there trying to get her attention.

"Yes baby?" Peta said smiling.

"It's school shopping day!" She said excitedly.

"Yes it is baby. Are you excited?"

"Yes! I can't wait!" She announced as she bounced on her feet. Peta leaned up then and looked at the clock. It only read 5:20. She groaned slightly but couldn't be too mad at the girl's excitement especially about shopping.

"Well sweet pea. We have a problem." Peta said.

"What momma?" Addie said confused.

"Well, you see it's so early that the sun isn't even really awake yet. Which means it's a super long time until the stores are awake."

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