Mickey Mouse Christmas

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Merry Christmas! Only a few days (Umm a week and a few days late lol) I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and you have an amazing 2017! I can't wait to see what the year brings us all. Enjoy!

Addie - Age - 9 Years
Clara - Age - 3 Years

"Do you really think we can pull this off?" Peta asked Maks as he came back in the house after packing up the car at 4 am the one morning. She was checking the last few bags of things that they were keeping with them and the kids rather than in the trunk.

"I do. Addie may wake up but she'll go right back out. Clara will sleep straight through. You want to wait in the car while I bring them out?" Maks asked.

"Yeah, I'll head out now." Peta said as she leaned up to give her husband a kiss. She gathered the few bags and headed out to the car.

"Momma." Addie's sleepy voice muttered as Maks carried her out.

"She's in the car Addie girl." Maks said as they exited the house. Peta met him at the car and opened the door so he could put her in.

"Shh sweet pea, go back to sleep." Peta said as she helped her buckle up.

"Why are we awake momma?" Addie said moving to lean toward her mother. Peta slid further some so Addie could cuddle into her.

"We're going for a surprise. But I need you to go back to sleep and then when you wake up we'll be there. Okay?" Peta said pressing a kiss to her head.

"Will you hold my hand?" Addie murmured.

"Sure sweetheart. Close your eyes." Peta said as she let Addie hold her hand. It didn't take but a few minutes for Addie to fall back to sleep. Peta saw Maks coming out with Clara so she untangled herself from Addie before tucking in Nosey and Blankie around her and shutting her in with a blanket.

"She's still out." Maks whispered as he settled her into her car seat.

"Go lock up, I'll buckle her in." Peta said knowingly. Even if she'd have went to lock up Maks would have still checked it because that was him. He handed Peta Clara's things and headed to the house.

"Ready pretty girl?" Maks said once he returned to the car.

"Yeah." She said softly as she buckled in and rested her head on the window.

"Hey...." He said reaching for her hand. She turned and looked at him and he could see the sad look that had been on her face off and on for the last six months. "I love you."

"I love you too." She said as she shifted towards him and rested her head on his shoulder, it was slightly odd with the console in between them but she was craving his touch right then. This was her first Christmas without her mother and she was having a very hard time with it. On top of that it was a year where her family normally would have came to visit however just due to the stress of the year they decided to put off their visit for awhile. So after a lot of talking Maks suggested that they do something different with the kids. Peta halted at the idea at first stating that she didn't want to uproot the kids Christmas however after Maks convinced her to look into options she slowly changed her mind.

"What time is breakfast?" Maks asked.

"9, I'm hoping we have time to check in, have them get changed and maybe possibly rest a tiny bit before we have to head out. We should get there no later than 6 right? If not sooner." Peta asked. After some consideration, they decided to do Disney for Christmas. Addie had been asking about going again and Clara hadn't experienced it yet. They researched and found there was a lot of different activities that they could do since it was Christmas. There was a Santa breakfast with Mickey,  The Season of Lights, and a handful of other activities. They hadn't told the girls they were going and had just packed everything secretly and snuck them down to the car that morning.

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