**NEW** You Talkin To Me, Pixie Dust?

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"Babe?! I'm here! Where are you?" Sharna yelled as she opened the door to her best friends house. Peta had asked her over for dinner and told her to just come in when she got there.

"Shar is here." Maks whispered into his wife's ear making her giggle. They were settled on the patio waiting for Sharna and Val. They had invited them over for dinner but little did the two know that Maks and Peta had a surprise up their sleeves.

"I can hear mister. Help me up so I can go get her. Pretty please." Peta said giving Maks puppy dog eyes. The belly and balance thing had started throwing her off lately especially when she was reclined like she was at the moment.

"I'm....here." Sharna said just as Maks helped Peta up off lounger on their patio.

"Really?" Peta said groaning considering that she just got into a standing position.

"Sorry babe! You told me to just come in so I did and then I looked for you guys and well...." Sharna said sheepishly.

"It's okay, I'll just use this as time to go to the bathroom." Peta said hugging her best friend before excusing herself.

"How's it going daddy?" Sharna said hugging Maks before curling up on what she deemed her favorite seat on their patio. It was a slightly oversized chair that bounced lightly so you could almost rock in it.

"It's going good."

"Think you're ready?"

"Umm, yes and no. I mean I'm excited as all hell. I've wanted this for forever but it's happening and soon and yeah..."

"I can imagine. It's felt like a whirlwind since you guys announced."

"Tell me about it. It's been non-stop. We announced, then the show, then the holidays, then the studio and regular life. I wouldn't change any of it though. I think our hectic life kind of prepares us for this almost." Maks said as he thought about it. Sharna loved seeing the look on his face whenever he talked about the baby or just life in general around the baby. Him and Peta both had such a glow ever since they heard their news.

"Look who I found?" Peta said appearing in the doorway with Val.

"Hey bro." Maks said standing up and hugging his brother.

"Hey Valentin....what's shaking?" Sharna said standing up to hug her friend as well. "How that little spitfire of yours?"

"Yeah how is my favorite niece?" Peta asked as Val settled down in a chair across from Sharna.

"Great. A ball of energy. She's with Kelly at Nancy's now. They had a Davis Girl's night at Nancy's so Kel kept her with her since Haley and Lexi will be there. All we heard about since she woke up this morning was how she got to go to dinner with the big girls. She looks up to those two so much."

"Aww, that sounds adorable. Did she get all dressed up?" Peta said knowing her niece quite well at that point.

"You know Soph, she coerced Kel into letting her wear a new outfit we got her for vacation and then convinced her to curl her hair." Val said shaking his head at the image.

"She's got you two wrapped." Maks teased.

"Oh don't give me that. You just wait til Addie is here and then we'll talk, Mr. Softie. That little girl is going to have you wrapped around her little pinky."

"He's right." Peta said smiling fondly as she thought about Maks with their little girl.

"Hey! Babe! You're supposed to side with me." Maks said looking indignantly at his wife.

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