Broken Frame

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For Miss chelsmae1998 I hope you love this lady! :) It's only taken over a month! I hope its as good as you were hoping.

Addie - 13 years old
Clara - 7 years old

"Babe, are you sure you're good with taking them out? You haven't been feeling well lately." Maks said as they laid in bed one morning.

"I've been fine Maks." Peta said but the truth was she had felt like crap lately. She couldn't quite pin down what the issue was but she had just been extra worn out lately and just felt weak. She thought she had played it off well but she should have known her husband would have caught on.

"Pretty girl....." He said softly as he pulled her into him. He knew today was important to her. Ever since Clara started kindergarten, Peta would take both girls on a shopping spree for back to school clothes and supplies. The girls loved it. They were always so excited to just have a mom day. They would shop and have lunch and just enjoy the day. Then the girls would come home and show off everything to Maks and finish up with pizza and a movie. It was a tradition and he knew Peta wasn't going to cave on it.

"She's starting high school Maks." Peta said simply and he knew he wasn't going to get her to budge.

"I know, I just....I know you don't feel well even though you haven't said anything. And so I want you to enjoy this."

"I will, I've just been extra tired lately that's all. And I promise to rest after today okay?" She said leaning up to press a kiss to his jawline. They heard their door creak and they turned to look to see who was coming in. Addie very rarely came in anymore in the mornings now that she was older but it did happen sometimes.

"Morning Momma, Morning Papa." Clara said as her tiny form appeared the door.

"Morning buttercup. Did you have good sleeps?" Peta asked as Clara scurried over to their bed and climbed up.

"I did. And then I woke up excited cause today is our shopping day! And I get to get all my stuff for 2nd grade! Can I make sure I get the same backpack that Anya got? We decided since we're best friends that we need the same backpack. And hers is purple." Clara asked as she slide in the covers next to Peta.

"Sure baby, I'll text Aunt Sharna and see where they got the backpack and what it looks like." Clara's best friend was non other than Sharna's little girl, Anya. Right before Clara had been born Sharna had started to see her old DWTS partner, Noah Galloway. There had always been some lingering interest there but neither of them had ever acted on it. Shortly after Clara was born, Sharna found out she was pregnant. It had been an interesting road from there but eventually her and Noah had gotten married and he and Sharna were raising his three children from his first marriage and their little girl Anya.

"Thanks momma." Clara said as she laid there.

"Are you going to miss me today little one?" Maks said as he leaned over his wife to look at his quiet girl.

"I always miss you papa. But today is more fun because we come back and model our clothes for you. But I'll still miss you. Will you miss me?" She said sweetly. Peta smiled at the interaction. Clara was definitely a daddy's girl.

"Ohhh, you know it! You want to help me make breakfast for you guys before you leave?"

"Waffles?" She asked with big eyes.

"Sure, we have some time and your sister isn't up yet." Maks said as she kissed Peta quickly and hopped off the bed.

"I'll meet you in the kitchen papa, I gotta make my bed." She said as she scurried out of the room.

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