Dance Like No One is Watching

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Addie - Age - 5 Years
Peta - Pregnancy - 8 weeks - 20 weeks (Story spans beginning of December to the end of February)

"Addie, sweetheart, are you ready to get ready?" Peta asked as she finished her hair and went to collect Addie who was curled up on the couch watching a movie before their big night.

"Yes momma! It's finally time!" Addie said as she shut the tv off and bounced over to Peta excitedly.

"It's finally time. Let's go get you ready so that when Papa comes home and gets ready, we're ready too."

"He only had one class today right momma? So he should be home soon?" Addie asked as they headed to her bathroom.

"You're right sweet pea. He should be home soon. Now what would you like me to do to your hair?" Peta asked.

"Will you braid it over this way and then make it all pretty curly please?" She said as she got settled on the counter with Peta's help.

"I sure can, do you want it braided across the top and then curl all the rest? Or braid it to the side and then curl it down your shoulder?" Peta asked attempting to show Addie what she meant.

"Umm, across the top please? Like a waterfall braid?" Addie asked.

"Okay. Tip your chin up baby. Are you excited?" Peta asked as she began her hair. They had decided that Addie was old enough to do something extra special. So after some discussion, they had decided to take her to see the Nutcracker and go to a fancy dinner beforehand. It was a tradition they wanted to start and keep throughout the years.

"Yes, I'm so excited! I can't believe we get to go see the ballet momma! The dancers will be so pretties. And I get to see the Clara story right? Like in the Barbie movie?"

"That's right baby, it's called the Nutcracker remember?"

"Oh yeah, The Nutcracker, but it's about Clara right?"

"Yeah, Clara is a big part of it baby. Okay, you can put your chin down. And you don't have to keep super still, just remember the curling iron is hot." Peta said as she began putting curls through Addie's hair. Her hair was already curly but it was untamed curls that got kinda wild. This way was much more ordered.

"Okay momma. Do we have time to paint my nails?" Addie asked.

"We might. Let's see how long your hair takes and then we'll get you in your dress and see where Papa is okay?"

"Okay. I'm also so excited about dinner. Papa let me pick too."

"He did. You picked the fancy sushi place right? Are you going to try new sushi?" Peta asked. Addie had tried a couple pieces in the past when they had taken her out but she wasn't very adventurous which was fine. She was little but Peta and Maks always liked to let her explore and see what she liked.

"Maybe, Papa said that I could probably get something I liked and then I can try what you and he get to see if I like it."

"He's right. That's what we like to do, that way in case you don't like it you don't have to worry about it but you get to try it too."

"I like that best." Addie said smiling at her mother as Peta put the final curls in her hair.

"Me too. Alright sweet pea, all done. Do you like it?"

"I love it Momma, thank you!" Addie said spinning to hug her mother after she had admired her curls.

"Okay dress time." Peta said helping her down and taking her to get her dress on with her black sparkly shoes. The top was iridescent with some sequins. There was a black ribbon with a teal flower before the bottom went out to a flowy skirt that was covered with layers of tulle. It was more teal than anything else but it had other colors mixed in as well. Addie had fallen in love with it at the store when they saw it. Her excitement was enough to seal the deal for the dress for their night out.

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