Flowers, Pictures, & Charms

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For Miss stefanie_brito who has patiently waited for this for about 3 months now. I hope you love it. & for Miss bruna_steinberg who requested it today. Love you guys!

Addie - Nearly 7 Years Old
Clara - 10 months

"Papa, I have a question." Addie said to her father as she helped him make dinner the one night.

"Yes Addie Girl?" He stopped what he was doing so he could turn and look at her.

"Mrs. Finch said that it's going to be Mother's Day soon. Right?"

"Well in a few weeks but yes she's right."

"Ok, we need to do something special for Momma. Well cause she's the bestest and cause it's Clara's first mothers day."

"You're right, she is the best. And it is Clara's first mother's day. Did you have any ideas on what we should do for her?" Maks asked grinning as he saw Addie's eyes get huge with the thoughts of helping with this.

"I need to think." Addie said and then resumed cutting up the vegetables Maks had given her. He smiled and turned to his things himself and they continued working in silence for a little while.

"I have an idea." She said and Maks turned to look at her.

"What is it?"

"Well, remember how we used to go to the special lady and she'd take our pictures? And then Momma would hang them up in places and they would be our family pictures."

"I remember that, we haven't done that for awhile now. We did Clara when she was first born but not since then." Maks said thinking. They really hadn't done professional photos as a family for awhile now.

"Right, so what if me and Clara got our pictures taken and then you put them in a frame for Momma and we surprised her with those."

"I think that's a perfect idea baby. She will definitely love that. I'll call Mrs. Lynn and see if she can get us in. And then we'll have to figure out where we want to do them and what you guys want to wear."

"Can we do them at a playground? Cause Clara really likes the swings right now. And she giggles a lot so those would be cute for the pictures. And can I help you pick out the outfits?"

"We can definitely do them at a playground. That's a perfect idea Addie Girl."

"And I can help you with the outfits?" She asked again.

"Which outfits?" Peta said appearing in the kitchen with a just woken Clara up from her nap. Addie's eyes got huge.

"Umm.....the ones for the summer invitational for the studio. A few of my students need costume ideas and Addie asked if she could help. Of course you can baby."

"" Clara's sleepy voice came across the room.

"Hey little one, did you miss me?" Maks said drying his hands and taking his baby from his wife.

"Pa." She said sweetly before snuggling into him. She was much like her sister in regards to being cuddly and loving. She was just a quieter version of Addie.

"So what do we have to do this week with school and everything?" Maks asked as he kept Clara snuggled in and resumed doing his part in the dinner prep. He wanted to change the topic before anymore questions were asked about the whole outfit helping. This was a successful question because Addie had two dance classes this week and was prepping for her recital.

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