Carrots & Peas

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Addie - Age - 6 Months

"We're positive she's ready for this?" Maks asked as he held a jar of smashed up baby peas he had put aside for Addie from their dinner.

"Yup, Dr. Cress said as soon as she can sit up on her own without help she's ready. She said to go slow and do one food a week just so we can watch her allergies.

"Alright then, let's try this." He said moving from the counter where he had been turning the peas into baby mush. Addie was sitting in her high chair playing with her spoon and sippee cup. Once she had started being more alert and enjoying looking around, they started putting her in her high chair for meals and giving her something to play with. Now it was time for her to try some food.

"I'm going to record." Peta said moving back just a little bit.

"You just want to be out of the soak zone if she shoots it back out." Maks said laughing as he pulled his chair in front of Addie's seat.

"Noooooo." Peta said laughing back at him. She moved so she was standing at Maks's left shoulder so she could video the moment.

"Okay Miss Addie, let's see how you feel about peas." Maks said putting a little bit on her spoon and taking it over to her mouth. She looked at him like he was nuts or that she didn't know what he was doing and she went back to playing with her spoon.

"Maybe try some on your finger." Peta said laughing at Addie's reaction. Maks shook his head and put a tiny bit of the peas on his pinkie and put it up to Addie's mouth. He touched her lip getting a little bit inside her mouth and on her tongue. She gave him a look of surprise and shook her head but stuck her tongue back out.

"That's kind of how I feel about them too sweetheart." Maks laughed as he tried the spoon again. This time doing the same, putting a little on her lip and tongue to let her get used to the idea. This time she licked her lips and looked less in shock.

"I think she likes it." Peta said smiling as she rested her hand on Maks's shoulder. He gave her a few moments but saw her tongue come out again so he lift the spoon up and she opened her mouth taking a bit more this time.

"I think so too. Must be her Papa's cooking." Maks teased.

"Goofball." Peta said leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek. They worked through the little bowl of peas before Addie finally finished them all.

"I think we can add peas to our good list, if she doesn't break out." Maks said smiling at Addie's slightly green mush covered face.

"I think so too. Let's get this one cleaned up and ready for bed." She said as she stopped recording and put the camera back in the cupboard. They cleaned up and took her up to get her bath for bedtime before reading to her and rocking her to sleep.

Over the next few weeks they tried many different foods with her squash, beans, avocados, cauliflower, grapes, bananas, apples, and cherries. She seemed to like them all with the exception of carrots. The day she had tried carrots had to have been the most priceless of them all. Her tiny body had scrunched up and she shuddered in displeasure before shooting them back out at Peta who was taking her turn. Maks cracked up and handed Peta a towel to wipe off with. She tried a few more times getting the same reaction each time before Addie finally refused. So they decided to move carrots to the no go list for now.

****I hope you enjoyed this one. Don't forget to like it up and let me know what you thought! Thanks for reading and for all of your support!

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