It's Time

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Peta was sitting on the couch in the living room tucked into the corner. She was waiting for Maks to come back in the room.

"You okay?" His soft voice echoed through the room as he crossed over to her. He handed her the cup of warm tea she had requested a few minutes back.

"Yeah, it stopped again. I do think this is real though Maks." She answered looking at him nervously.

"Okay, I believe you, you know your body best. Do you want to call Dr. Alta?" Maks said as he ran his hand up and down her arm trying to reassure her nerves.

"I think that's best. Just so we know what to do." She said looking at him weakly. He nodded and kissed her head before going to grab his phone.

About two hours ago Peta had had a strong contraction that felt different from the ones that she had been having during the Braxton-Hicks ones she had been having. She brushed it off though figuring being in her 39th week she was being overly excitable and cautious. So she breathed through it and relaxed once it stopped. A half hour later though she had the same wrap around pain and pressure as before. She breathed through it again and left it go. It happened again in the next half hour and that's when she told Maks. They both re-investigated what was to be real versus false labor and it seemed as though it was real labor. They waited for the next one and tried to see if Peta changing positions would help and it did not. That's when they decided they needed to seriously consider it may be time.

"You want me to call?" He asked when he came back in the room. He checked the clock seeing that if the pattern continued they had another 20 minutes before the next one.

"Will you please?" She said as she watched the tea in her mug.

"Of course pretty girl. Come here though." He settled beside her and lifted his arm, letting her shift into his body. He dialed Dr. Alta's number and listened to it ring.

"Hello?" He heard the recptionist answer.

"Hi, yes I'm calling to see if I could speak with Dr. Alta please? It concerns my wife's labor. Her name is Peta Chmerkovskiy. Yes, that's fine, I can wait." Maks leaned over and pressed a kiss to Peta's head as he waited.

"Hello Maks, how can I help you today? Morgan said this was a question concerning Peta's labor?" Dr. Alta's voice came on the line.

"Hi Dr. Alta. Yes, we think that Peta may be starting her labor and we just wanted to check in with you to see when we need to move to the hospital or if there is anything we need to be watching for."

"Okay, so can you tell me a little more about what she's experiencing?"

"Yeah, so about 2 hours ago she had a particularly strong contraction that seemed to wrap around. She figured maybe she just read it wrong and brushed it off but they've continued for about a minute every half hour since then. We've tried seeing if her moving helps and it has no affect. And she also said that they are no longer staying up front in her belly but they are wrapping around starting from her lower belly and spreading out toward her back."

"Okay, that does sound like it could be it. Sadly right now though there's not much we can do until she progresses more. She'll probably be most comfortable at home with you where she can be in her own house and do what she needs. Don't focus on tracking them all the time right now but every so often just see where she is with them.  This part of labor can last anywhere from 6 to 12 hours which I know that's what neither of you want to hear."

"It's okay, we understand. So when should we expect to need to move to the hospital? Or is there anything we need to watch for that would be cause for concern?"

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