Worries, Bracelets, & Appointments

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Addie - Age - 5 Years
Peta - Pregnancy - 12 weeks

"Momma, I don't want to go to school tomorrow." Addie said as Peta closed the book they were reading before she tucked her into bed.

"I know sweet pea, being off this whole time for Christmas has spoiled us all." Peta said.

"So I don't have to go?" Addie asked.

"No, I'm sorry baby, you do have to go, just like Papa and I have to go to work." Peta said as she let Addie snuggle into her chest.

"But.....I don't want to not be with you." Addie said softly griping onto her mother's shirt.

"Sweetheart, are you still worried about what you heard on Christmas Eve?" Peta said smoothing her hair back some as Addie stayed right where she was.

"I just don't want anything to happen to you or for you to go away." She said as she shivered slightly at the thought.

"Baby, I know what you heard and that it sounds scary but you have to trust me and papa that we would never do anything that was going to cause you to get hurt."

"But I heard you tell Aunt Kelly and Aunt Sharna that you didn't know it was going to happen last time. What if it happens again?"

"Well, that's not something I can promise. What I can promise is that the doctor's told me that me and your brother or sister are safe and healthy and that there's no reason to think that we wouldn't be until he or she is here. They are even going to do something different this time just to make sure that it won't happen again."

"But I'm still scared." Addie said meekly.

"What would make you feel better sweetheart?" Peta asked.

"I don't know momma. I just don't want anything to happen to you."

"What if we took you to the doctor's next time Momma went?" Maks's voice came from the doorway.

"When she went for a baby check up?" Addie asked.

"Yeah, the next time we go to the doctor for them to check on the baby as well as momma. Then you can talk to Dr. Alta too. Do you think that could help?"

"Maybe. Papa?" She said reaching for him.

"Well why don't we try that?" As he laid down next to her and Peta.

"But what about when I have to leave you or momma?" Addie said her eyes filling with tears.

"Well what if Momma and I each gave you something of ours to keep with you? We each actually have special bracelets for you that are supposed to keep bad things away. We were going to wait til you were a little older but I think now would be the perfect time. We each have one to give you. You just have to make sure that you don't lose them...okay baby?"

"Okay, that'll help papa." Addie conceded.

"Alright then Momma and I will give them to you in the morning before we take you to school okay? But now it's time for you to get some sleep missy. You have to be all rested up so you can see Miss Grace tomorrow and start learning again so that you can teach your brother or sister everything you know."

"Can you and Momma lay with me til I'm asleep? Please? Just for tonight? Then tomorrow I promise I'll be good and go to sleep all by myself?"

"I think we can handle that sweet pea." Peta conceded. They all said their good nights and Addie tucked under the covers holding her blankie and Nosey. She held onto Maks's hand while she pressed her body back into Peta's. They all laid there quietly for a little bit before her eyes finally fell shut and she took that last deep breath before drifting off to sleep. They laid there for a few more moments before Maks nodded at Peta and they headed out, flipping on her nightlight and closing the door partway.

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