A Weekend Away

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'I need you to pack a bag before I come home for the night.' Maks' text said to Peta. She was at home organizing the final parts of the nursery so that it was ready. She had already changed the set up of the closet and storage 3 times already. She had entered her 36th week at the beginning of the week so her and Maks wanted to have as much ready in case the little one decided to come early.

'Are you going to tell me where we're going?' She asked once she saw the text.

'Nope, it's a secret. So just pack enough for a few days. Comfy stuff, a bathing suit or two, and one dressy outfit for an evening. We'll leave once I'm home which will be around 3 today. Val asked to do my last class.'

'Maks, you know surprises give me anxiety. And a bathing suit???' She texted back.

'I know, but you trust me right?' He answered quickly.

'You know I do baby.'

'Okay then, just be ready when I get there. I promise it's going to be fun. I have to get to my next class tho so I'll text you when I'm leaving. Love you pretty girl.'

'Okay handsome, enjoy the class for me. Love you too.' She checked what time it was and realized she had about 2 hours before she needed to be ready. So she finished up what she was doing in Adeline's room and then headed to shower and everything. She packed quickly once she was done getting ready. She hoped what she packed was correct enough but she figured they couldn't be going far. She wasn't allowed on a plane any more and since it was just the weekend they wouldn't have too much time. She checked over everything one last time before seeing she had 20 minutes before he'd be home. She figured she'd lay down for a little bit while she waited for him.

'I'm on my way babe.' Her phone vibrated as she got situated.

'I'm ready for you. I'm going to close my eyes til you're here. See you soon.' She answered before she snuggled in to his pillow and closed her eyes.

Twenty five minutes later, Maks pulled into the driveway. He let himself in the quiet house and headed up to their room. He smiled as he saw Peta sound asleep on the bed. He grabbed her suitcase and travel bag and took them out to the car. He had already packed the night prior and had snuck his bags out this morning before leaving for the studio. He came back in to get her. He curled up beside her on the bed getting close to her and pressing a kiss to her nose. She smiled in  her sleep and reached for him. He moved down and pressed a kiss to her lips this time, laughing internally when she kissed back and her eyes slowly came open.

"You're home." She said in a sleepy voice as they ended the kiss.

"I am, you ready to head out pretty girl?"

"Mmhmm, do I get to know where we are going yet?"

"Nope, not til we are there." He said smiling as he got out of the bed and helped her out as well. He leaned down to press a kiss to her belly. "Hi Miss Addie, have you been good for mommy today?"

"She has been, I think she's finally in place. She hasn't been moving as much today but she's still a little active. You're just trying to distract me though. Why can't I know yet?"

"Because that would ruin the surprise." He said kissing her cheek. She humphed and walked away from him so she could head to the bathroom before they left. Once she was ready, she grabbed her purse and they headed out to the car so they could leave. Maks pulled out and took them towards the interstate so they could head out of LA.

"So how was your day?" Peta asked as they headed down the interstate.

"It was good. I had two teen classes and one college class. As much as we struggled with this decision of whether we wanted to keep going or if we wanted to teach, I think the one we made was the right decision. I love seeing these kids and adults grow in their abilities and everything. And it has given us the ability to travel and do other things when we want or need."

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