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Dee and Amber had finished their food and was off to go find shit for the prom. I was still eating I just had to finish my chicken. When I was done be and Bella got up and walked around the mall for a while.

" Ace?" she asked me.

" Vanessa?" I asked right back.

She laughed a little bit.

" Can I ask you a question?" she asked me again.

" You know you ain't gotta ask," I told her, she stopped walking and I stopped too.

I wonder what this is about.

" Why do you always wear polos, and button ups? Why don't you ever wear t- shirts?" she asked me.

I looked at her with a blank expression, I was reading her. I'm sure I told her about the scars on my neck.

" Because I don't like t- shirts," I told her.

She looked at me trying to see if I was lying, but she couldn't tell.

" Oh okay," She said.

I hate when people don't ask me flat out what they want to know.

" Mhm," I said and started to walk, but she stayed in one spot.

" Or is cause of those scars on your neck?" she asked me.

I looked back at her.

" Yeah, some shit you want to both forget and not forget. I wear collared shirts so I can forget the past," I told her with all honest.

" Well why don't you get a tattoo or something to cover it up," She asked as she made her way over to me.

I have thought about, but I would never go through with getting my neck tatted up.

" Like I said some things you want to both forget and remember. When I do look at them I remember where I came from, how I was treated. How my mom ain't love me and my daddy abandoned me. How my sisters aint love me, but a stranger took me in and treated me like I was something. How that stranger became my mother. This scars holds pain heartache, and it also holds everything I thought I would never have, a sense of belonging and that I have a new family," I told her.

She nodded her head and let a few tears fall. I grabbed her hand and whipped the few tears that have fell.

" So my lady, what are the colors for this whack as prom you got me going to?" I asked.

She laughed and let my hand go and pushed me a little bit.

" Shut up. They are tan and cream," I nodded my head sexy colors if I do say so.

" Well let's go find me a tan and white dress shirt, " I said.

" Uh -no. Even though I really don't care about this prom, you are not showing up in a damn polo, or button up. You are getting a tux," She said and dragged me to the tux place.

To be honest I have never worn a tux. I never really planned on it either. Stupid high school tradition.

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